About Database and Element States

TimesTen Scaleout defines a set of overall database and element status values to detemine the status of a database or element. The TimesTen Operator uses these status values to assess the state of the database represented by a TimesTenScaleout object.

In TimesTen Scaleout, the overall database status is encoded in three strings:
  • How created is the database?

  • How loaded is the database?

  • How open is the database?

This triplet of strings is returned as part of the output of the TimesTen ttGridAdmin dbStatus utility.

For information about the database states, see Display the Status of the Database and All Elements in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide. For information about the ttGridAdmin dbstatus utility, see Monitor the Status of a Database (dbStatus) in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

The TimesTen Operator uses TimesTen Scaleout database states to report the state of the database for a TimesTenScaleout object.

For example, this code snippet uses the kubectl get command to return the status for a deployed TimesTenScaleout object.
kubectl get tts samplescaleout
NAME             OVERALL                   MGMT     CREATE    LOAD                 OPEN   AGE
samplescaleout   Normal                    Normal   created   loaded-complete      open   2d
Note the following:
  • The High Level state of the TimesTenScaleout object is Normal (as indicated by the OVERALL field).

  • The management instance state is Normal (as indicated by the MGMT field).

  • The database creation state is created (as indicated by the CREATE field).

  • The database loaded state is loaded-complete (as indicated by the LOAD field).

  • The database open state is open (as indicated by the OPEN field).

TimesTen Scaleout also keeps a state for each element in a database. See Troubleshooting Based on Element Status in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for details on element states.

The Operator does not monitor these element states. However, if all the elements in a replica set are in the waiting for seed state, the Operator checks the value of a TimesTenScaleout object's .spec.ttspec.replicaSetRecovery datum:
  • If the value is Restart, the DatabaseRestartRequired High Level state is triggered.

  • If the value is Manual, the Operator moves the TimesTenScaleout object to the ManualInterventionRequired state.