About the ManualInterventionRequired State

If the TimesTen Operator determines it cannot repair a TimesTenScaleout object, the Operator changes the High Level state of the object to ManualInterventionRequired. The Operator does not further manage an object in this state. In addition, the Operator makes no attempt to determine its state nor to repair it.

In TimesTen Scaleout, there are several troubleshooting scenarios that you can review to identify and possibly fix the problem. For more information about the troubleshooting scenarios, see Recovering from Failure in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

If you identify and fix the problem, you can cause the Operator to resume management of a TimesTenScaleout object. You do this by specifying a TimesTenScaleout object's spec.ttspec.reexamine datum. When this datum is specified, the Operator moves the object to the Reexamine state. For information about the Reexamine state, see Set reexamine Datum.