21 Dockerfile ARGs

Images containing TimesTen and its prerequisites are available at container-registry.oracle.com. You can use these images as is with the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator. You also have the choice to build your own TimesTen container image by using the Dockerfile provided in the /image directory of the operator.zip distribution. The operator.zip distribution is located in the /kubernetes directory of the TimesTen distribution. See Unpack the TimesTen and the TimesTen Operator Distributions.

The Dockerfile supports a number of ARGs. These ARGs let you override the attributes of the Dockerfile (and its resultant image). You supply these ARGs on the docker build command line.

Table 21-1 describes the supported ARGs:

Table 21-1 Dockerfile ARGs

ARG name Default value Description



Name of the base image.



Name of the image that is used to unzip the TimesTen distribution.



Name of the TimesTen distribution that you are including in the container image.

If you are building the TimesTen container image, you must supply this ARG on the docker build command line.


Release number (in dotted decimal format) of the TimesTen release that is included in $TT_DISTRO.

If you are building the TimesTen container image, you must supply this ARG on the docker build command line.



Name of the Linux user that is created in the container image. This is the user who runs TimesTen.

To define a different user to run TimesTen, supply this ARG on the docker build command line.



The numeric UID of $TT_USER.

To define a different UID for $TT_USER, supply this ARG on the docker build command line.



Name of the Linux group that is created in the container image. This is the name of the TimesTen users group.

To define a different name for the TimesTen group, supply this ARG on the docker build command line.



The numeric GID of $TT_GROUP.

To define a different GID for $TT_GROUP, supply this ARG on the docker build command line.


There is no default.

Additional Linux packages that you want installed in the container image by the yum install command.