20 TimesTen Kubernetes Operator Environment Variables

There are TimesTen Kubernetes Operator (TimesTen Operator) environment variables that are used for TimesTen Operator metrics.

The environment variables are included in the operator.yaml file located in the deploy directory of the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator distribution. The variables have default settings. You can change them depending on your needs.

The following table describes these variables:

Table 20-1 TimesTen Operator Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description


Determines if the TimesTen Operator should create a Kubernetes ServiceMonitor object.

Valid values:
  • "1" (default): The TimesTen Operator should create a ServiceMonitor object.

  • "0": The TimesTen Operator should not create a ServiceMonitor object.

If EXPOSE_METRICS is set to "0" and CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR is set to "1" (default), CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR is treated as though it was set to "0".


Determines if TimesTen Operator metrics are exposed outside of the TimesTen Operator's Pods.

Valid values:
  • "1" (default): Metrics should be exposed outside of the TimesTen Operator's Pods.

  • "0": Metrics should not be exposed outside of the TimesTen Operator's Pods.

If EXPOSE_METRICS is set to "0" and CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR is set to "1" (default), CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR is treated as though it was set to "0".

In addition, if EXPOSE_METRICS is set to "0", the value of METRICS_SCHEME is ignored and http is always used.


Determines if liveness probes should be exposed outside of the TimesTen Operator's Pods.

Valid values:
  • "1" (default): Probes should be exposed.

  • "0": Probes should not be exposed.


Determines if TimesTen Operator metrics should be made available by https or http.

Valid values:
  • "https" (default): https should be used.

  • "http": http should be used.

If EXPOSE_METRICS is set to "0", the value of METRICS_SCHEME is ignored and http is always used.

For more information about the TimesTen Operator environment variables, see Expose Metrics from the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator.