19 TimesTen Kubernetes Operator Metrics

There are several TimesTen Kubernetes Operator (TimesTen Operator) metrics that can be exposed and then published by Prometheus or some other scraper. These metrics include information about the TimesTen Operator functionality as well as the overall status of TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout objects that it manages.

The following table details the TimesTen Operator metrics:

Table 19-1 TimesTen Operator Metrics

Metric Type Description



Number of TimesTenClassic objects in Normal state.



Number of TimesTenClassic objects in states other than Normal or Initializing.



The state of each TimesTenClassic object. The specific state is reported in the state label.



Number of TimesTenScaleout objects in Normal state.



Number of TimesTenScaleout objects in states other than Normal or Initializing.



The state of each TimesTenScaleout object. The specific state is reported in the state label.

Each metric has these labels:
  • namespace: The namespace of the TimesTen object that the metric describes.

  • name: The name of the TimesTen object that the metric describes.

In addition there are several other labels of secondary importance:
  • container: The name of the container that generated the metric. For example, timesten-operator.

  • endpoint: The name of the endpoint that the metric came from. For example, metrics.

  • instance: The IP address and port of the TimesTen Operator Pod that generated the metric. For example,

  • job: The name of the job. For example, timesten-operator.

  • pod: The name of the TimesTen Operator Pod that generated the metric. For example, timesten-operator-5f4f4c69f6-z9h2k.

  • service. The name of the Service. For example, timesten-operator.

Here is an example of a sample timesten_classic_state_normal metric:
endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="timesten-operator", 
name="sample", namespace="mynamespace", pod="timesten-operator-5f4f4c69f6-z9h2k", 

The metric has a value of 1 or 0, depending on whether the TimesTenClassic object (sample, in this case) is healthy or not.

Here is an example of a sample timesten_classic_state metric:
endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="timesten-operator", 
name="sample", namespace="mynamespace", pod="timesten-operator-5f4f4c69f6-z9h2k", 
service="timesten-operator", state="Normal"}

The metric has a value of 1 or 0, depending on whether the TimesTenClassic object (sample, in this case) is in the Normal state or not.

For details on how the TimesTen Operator exposes metrics, see Expose Metrics from the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator.


The TimesTen Operator automatically exposes many other additional metrics. We cannot guarantee these additonal metrics will exist from release to release. In addition, these metrics may not be specifically pertinent or useful for the TimesTen Operator.