Expose TimesTen Metrics Automatically

Let's walk through an example showing how the TimesTen Operator automatically exports and exposes TimesTen metrics. In this example, let's create a TimesTenClassic object and observe how the TimesTen Operator automatically creates the objects needed to automatically export and expose TimesTen metrics to Prometheus.

Let's assume you have installed the Prometheus Operator in your Kubernetes cluster and there is a Prometheus server running in your namespace. Let's also assume you have started the TimesTen Operator following the steps in About Deploying the TimesTen Operator and there are no TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout objects deployed in your namespace.

  1. Create a TimesTenClassic object.
    vi samplepublish.yaml
    apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
    kind: TimesTenClassic
      name: samplepublish
        storageClassName: oci
        storageSize: 250G
        image: container-registry.oracle.com/timesten/timesten:
        imagePullSecret: sekret
          port: 6666

    In this example, the port on which the TimesTen exporter listens is 6666.

  2. Deploy the TimesTenClassic object.
    kubectl create -f samplepublish.yaml
    The output is the following:
    timestenclassic.timesten.oracle.com/samplepublish created
  3. Wait a few minutes, then confirm the TimesTenClassic object is in the Normal state.
    kubectl get ttc samplepublish

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME            STATE    ACTIVE            AGE
    samplepublish   Normal   samplepublish-0   3m56s
  4. Confirm the TimesTen Operator provisioned an exporter container in each TimesTen Pod
    kubectl get pods
    The output is similar to the following:
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    samplepublish-0                       3/3     Running   0          7m33s
    samplepublish-1                       3/3     Running   0          7m33s

    The TimesTen Operator automatically provisioned 3 containers in each TimesTen Pod. One of these containers is the exporter container, which is running the TimesTen exporter.

  5. Confirm the TimesTen Operator automatically created the appropriate Kubernetes Secrets.
    kubectl get secrets

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                             TYPE                             DATA   AGE
    samplepublish-metrics                            Opaque                           1      15m
    samplepublish-metrics-client                     Opaque                           3      15m

    By default, TimesTen metrics are served using https. As a result, the TimesTen Operator automatically created an Oracle Wallet, the certificates, and the Kubernetes Secrets needed for https. For more information, see About Transport Layer Security (mutual TLS) Certificates for TimesTen Metrics.

  6. Confirm the appropriate files are in the samplepublish-metrics-client Kubernetes Secret.
    kubectl describe secret samplepublish-metrics-client

    The output is similar to the following:

    Name:         samplepublish-metrics-client
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    Type:  Opaque
    ca.crt:      1461 bytes
    client.crt:  1273 bytes
    client.key:  1675 bytes

    The TimesTen Operator automatically created the ca.crt, client.crt, and client.key files. The samplepublish-metrics-client Kubernetes Secret holds these files. See About Transport Layer Security (mutual TLS) Certificates for TimesTen Metrics.

  7. Confirm the TimesTen Operator automatically created the samplepublish PodMonitor object.
    kubectl describe podmonitor samplepublish

    The output is similar to the following:

    Name:         samplepublish
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Labels:       app=samplepublish
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:  monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    Kind:         PodMonitor
      Creation Timestamp:  2023-09-25T15:36:08Z
      Generation:          1
      Owner References:
        API Version:           timesten.oracle.com/v1
        Block Owner Deletion:  true
        Controller:            true
        Kind:                  TimesTenClassic
        Name:                  samplepublish
        UID:                   d0f46bf7-b1d8-4499-876c-51410a469772
      Resource Version:        284346942
      UID:                     5a61ec9e-df7d-4a98-be47-dce1e7c3d217
      Namespace Selector:
      Pod Metrics Endpoints:
        Bearer Token Secret:
        Interval:  15s
        Path:      /metrics
        Port:      exporter
        Scheme:    https
        Tls Config:
              Key:   ca.crt
              Name:  samplepublish-metrics-client
              Key:   client.crt
              Name:  samplepublish-metrics-client
          Key Secret:
            Key:        client.key
            Name:       samplepublish-metrics-client
          Server Name:  samplepublish.samplepublish.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local
        Match Labels:
          database.timesten.oracle.com:  samplepublish
    Events:                              <none>

    Let's look at the important information in this PodMonitor object:

    • There is an app=samplepublish label. If there are Pods with a label that matches app=samplepublish, Prometheus scrapes metrics from them. The TimesTen Pods contain the app=samplepublish label. Prometheus will therefore scrape metrics from these Pods. We will see this later.

    • Prometheus scrapes metrics from the /metrics endpoint.
    • Metrics are exposed using https.
    • The TimesTen Operator placed the samplepublish-metrics and samplepublish-metrics-client Kubernetes Secrets in the PodMonitor object. These Secrets and their contents are used by the Prometheus Operator.

    The Prometheus Operator edits the Prometheus server configuration files based on the information in this PodMonitor object.

  8. Confirm the TimesTen Operator automatically created the appropriate Kubernetes Service.
    kubectl describe service samplepublish

    The output is similar to the following:

    Name:              samplepublish
    Namespace:         mynamespace
    Labels:            app=samplepublish
    Annotations:       <none>
    Selector:          app=samplepublish
    Type:              ClusterIP
    IP Family Policy:  SingleStack
    IP Families:       IPv4
    IP:                None
    IPs:               None
    Port:              cs  6625/TCP
    TargetPort:        6625/TCP
    Port:              exporter  6666/TCP
    TargetPort:        6666/TCP
    Session Affinity:  None
    Events:            <none>

    The TimesTen exporter listens on port 6666.

  9. Confirm there is a Prometheus server running in your namespace.
    kubectl get pods

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    prometheus-sampleprometheusserver-0   2/2     Running   2          18d

    The prometheus-sampleprometheusserver-0 Prometheus server is running in your namespace.

  10. Confirm the Prometheus Operator edited the Prometheus server configuration file based on the information in the samplepublish PodMonitor object.
     kubectl exec prometheus-sampleprometheusserver-0 -c prometheus -- cat /etc/prometheus/config_out/prometheus.env.yaml
    The output is similar to the following:
      evaluation_interval: 30s
      scrape_interval: 30s
        prometheus: mynamespace/sampleprometheusserver
        prometheus_replica: prometheus-sampleprometheusserver-0
    - job_name: podMonitor/mynamespace/samplepublish/0
      honor_labels: false
      - role: pod
          - mynamespace
      scrape_interval: 15s
      metrics_path: /metrics
      scheme: https
        insecure_skip_verify: false
        ca_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/secret_mynamespace_samplepublish-metrics-client_ca.crt
        cert_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/secret_mynamespace_samplepublish-metrics-client_client.crt
        key_file: /etc/prometheus/certs/secret_mynamespace_samplepublish-metrics-client_client.key
        server_name: samplepublish.samplepublish.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local
      - source_labels:
        - job
        target_label: __tmp_prometheus_job_name
      - action: drop
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase
        regex: (Failed|Succeeded)
      - action: keep
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_database_timesten_oracle_com
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_database_timesten_oracle_com
        regex: (samplepublish);true
      - action: keep
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name
        regex: exporter
      - source_labels:
        - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
        target_label: namespace
      - source_labels:
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
        target_label: container
      - source_labels:
        - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
        target_label: pod
      - target_label: job
        replacement: mynamespace/samplepublish
      - target_label: endpoint
        replacement: exporter
      - source_labels:
        - __address__
        target_label: __tmp_hash
        modulus: 1
        action: hashmod
      - source_labels:
        - __tmp_hash
        regex: 0
        action: keep
      metric_relabel_configs: []

    Prometheus has the information it needs to scrape TimesTen metrics.

  11. Review some of the TimesTen metrics: In your browser, go to your Prometheus server.
    1. In the Prometheus server search bar, type a TimesTen metric. For example, timesten_databases. Next, click Execute.

      The output is similar to the following:

      timesten_databases{container="exporter", endpoint="exporter", 
      instance="", instancename="instance1", job="mynamespace/samplepublish", 
      namespace="mynamespace", pod="samplepublish-0"} 1
      timesten_databases{container="exporter", endpoint="exporter", 
      instance="", instancename="instance1", job="mynamespace/samplepublish", 
      namespace="mynamespace", pod="samplepublish-1"} 1

      There is one TimesTen database in the samplepublish-0 Pod and one TimesTen database in the samplepublish-1 Pod as evidenced by the value of 1 for the metric.

    2. In the Prometheus server search bar, type a second TimesTen metric. For example, timesten_database_loaded. Next, click Execute.

      The output is similar to the following:

      timesten_database_loaded{container="exporter", dsn="samplepublish", 
      endpoint="exporter", instance="", instancename="instance1", 
      job="mynamespace/samplepublish", namespace="mynamespace", 
      pod="samplepublish-0"} 1
      timesten_database_loaded{container="exporter", dsn="samplepublish", 
      endpoint="exporter", instance="", instancename="instance1", 
      job="mynamespace/samplepublish", namespace="mynamespace", 
      pod="samplepublish-1"} 1

      The samplepublish database in the samplepublish-0 Pod and the samplepublish database in the samplepublish-1 Pod are both loaded into memory as evidenced by the value of 1 for the metric.

Congratulations! You successfully created TimesTen databases whose metrics are collected by Prometheus.