About Choosing to Expose TimesTen Metrics

By default, the TimesTen Operator exposes TimesTen metrics for TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout objects.

You have the option of not exposing TimesTen metrics by setting the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.publish datum to false in a TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object YAML manifest file. Doing so causes the TimesTen Operator to not provision an exporter container for the TimesTen exporter. If an exporter container is not provisioned, the TimesTen exporter is not configured, started, or managed. In this case, TimesTen metrics for the databases associated with this TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object are not exported or exposed.

Here is a code snippet showing how to set the value of the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.publish datum to false in a TimesTenClassic object YAML manifest file:
apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
kind: TimesTenClassic
  name: sample
      publish: false

In this example, the TimesTen Operator does not provision an exporter container for the sample TimesTenClassic object.

The default value for the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.publish datum is true. If you want the TimesTen Operator to provision an exporter container, you can choose the default or you can specify a value of true for the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.publish datum.

If you do not specify the publish datum, and any other datum is specified in the .spec.ttspec.prometheus clause, the default value for the publish datum is true.

If you do not specify the .spec.ttspec.prometheus clause and the TimesTen release is 22.1 or greater, the default value for the publish datum is dependent on the value of the EXPOSE_METRICS TimesTen Operator environment variable:
  • If EXPOSE_METRICS is "1" (or not specified), the TimesTen Operator treats the publish datum as true.

  • If EXPOSE_METRICS is "0", the TimesTen Operator treats the publish datum as false.

For more information about the .spec.ttspec.prometheus clause of a TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object, see TimesTenClassicSpecSpecPrometheus or TimesTenScaleoutSpecSpecPrometheus respectively.

For information about TimesTen Operator environment variables, see TimesTen Kubernetes Operator Environment Variables.

We recommend that you let the TimesTen Operator automatically export, expose, and publish TimesTen metrics. For a complete example, see Expose TimesTen Metrics Automatically.