About the TimesTen Metrics Service

The TimesTen Operator automatically creates a Kubernetes Service for the TimesTen exporter. This Service exposes the port on which the TimesTen exporter listens to the Pods in the Kubernetes cluster. This Service exposes the port at sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:port/metrics where:
  • sample is the name of a TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object.

  • mynamespace is the name of your namespace.

  • port is the port number on which the TimesTen exporter listens.

The default port is 8888.

You can change the port on which the TimesTen exporter listens by specifying the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.port datum in a TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object YAML manifest file.

Here is a code snippet of a TimesTenClassic object YAML manifest file showing the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.port datum.
apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
kind: TimesTenClassic
  name: sample
      port: 7777

In this snippet, the TimesTen exporter listens on port 7777.