About High Level States

The TimesTen Operator maintains a High Level state for TimesTenScaleout objects.

These High Level states are as follows:


The database is unusable. The Operator attempts to fix it. If it cannot be fixed, the Operator moves the object to the ManualInterventionRequired state.


The database within the grid is fully operational, but one or more elements are not functional. All data in the database is available and all SQL is accepted.


The database is up, but some data is not available. One or more replica sets are not available.


The database is in the process of being forcibly unloaded and reloaded after a DatabaseRestartRequired condition.


While the database is up (at least partially), it must be stopped and restarted (unloaded and reloaded) in order to restore functionality. This can occur when all elements in a replica set fail simultaneously and all elements are unloadable due to a waiting for seed condition. When this occurs, the database must be unloaded and reloaded. During this time, committed transactions may be lost. See Database Recovery and Recovering from a Down Replica Set in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


If a problem occurs while Initializing a TimesTenScaleout object, the object transitions to the Failed state. Once in this state, the Operator does not attempt to repair the object. You must delete it. Use the kubectl describe command to examine the Operator logs to determine the cause of the problem and then recreate the object.


After you create a TimesTenScaleout object in your Kubernetes cluster, the Operator creates the StatefulSets and Services that are required to deploy a TimesTenScaleout grid and database. The Operator assigns a High Level state of Initializing to the TimesTenScaleout object.


If the Operator encounters a problem that it does not know how to fix, the Operator places a TimesTenScaleout object into this state. The Operator takes no further action to fix the object. You can set the object's .spec.ttspec.reexamine datum to cause the Operator to re-engage with the object. For information about .spec.ttspec.reexamine, see Set reexamine Datum.


The grid and database are up and operating as they should.


If a TimesTenScaleout object is in the ManualInterventionRequired state, and you modify the object's .spec.ttspec.reexamine datum, the TimesTen Operator moves the object into the Reexamine state. The Operator examines the state of grid and database. If healthy, the Operator returns the object to the Normal state. Otherwise, the object re-enters the ManualInterventionRequired state.


The grid does not have a functional management instance. Until the management instance is fixed, the grid cannot be further monitored, managed or controlled. The Operator will attempt to fix the management instance.