Bulk Copy Data Using the ttBulkCp Utility

The ttBulkCp utility enables you to copy data between TimesTen tables and ASCII files.

You can manage certain aspects of existing tables in the database with the ttBulkCp utility. With the ttBulkCp utility, you can add rows of data to an existing table, save data to an ASCII file, and load the data rows into a table in a TimesTen database.

The rows you are adding must contain the same number of columns as the table, and the data in each column must be of the type defined for that column.

Because the ttBulkCp utility works on data stored in ASCII files, you can also use this utility to import data from other applications, provided the number of columns and data types are compatible with those in the table in the TimesTen database and that the file found is compatible with ttBulkCp.

Copying Data from a TimesTen Table to an ASCII File

Run the ttBulkCp utility with the -o option to copy data from a TimesTen table to an ASCII file.


Ensure that your TimesTen user has SELECT privilege on the tables it copies information from.

This example copies the data from the hr.employees table of the database1 database to the employees.dmp file using the ttBulkCp -o mode.

ttBulkCp -o -connstr "DSN=database1;UID=HR;PWD=hr" hr.employees > employees.dmp

See ttBulkCp in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Copying Data from an ASCII File into a TimesTen Table

The ttBulkCp utility enables you to copy data from an ASCII file into a database table. The ttBulkCp utility does not copy duplicate rows into a table.

Running ttBulkCp with the -i Option

The ttBulkCp utility with the -i option enables you to load data from a file.

This option uses standard INSERT SQL statements to load data into a specific table of a TimesTen database.

On TimesTen Scaleout, the ttBulkCp utility inserts each row into its corresponding element based on the distribution scheme of the table. For TimesTen Scaleout, you can populate a table from a single location or from several locations. See Bulk Loading Data into a Database in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


Ensure that your TimesTen user has INSERT privilege on the tables it copies information into.

This example copies the data from the employees.dmp file into the hr.employees table of the database1 database using the ttBulkCp -i mode.

% ttBulkCp -i -connstr "DSN=database1;UID=HR;PWD=hr" hr.employees employees.dmp

    107 rows inserted
    0 duplicate rows not inserted
    107 rows total

See ttBulkCp in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Running ttBulkCp with the -directLoad Option on TimesTen Classic

Run the ttBulkCp utility with the -directLoad option to copy data from an ASCII file into a TimesTen Classic database table.

The -directLoad option loads data with standard INSERT SQL statements. The ttBulkCp -directLoad option can only be used by applications using direct connections, which avoids some of the overhead required when using client/server connections resulting in better performance than the -i option.

For improved performance, consider dropping indexes before loading data with the -directLoad option. Use the ttSchema utility to view the definition of all the indexes that are created on the tables of a TimesTen Classic database. Once the load operation is complete, manually re-create the indexes on your table. See ttSchema in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.


Ensure that your TimesTen user has INSERT privilege on the tables it copies information into.

This example copies the data from the employees.dmp file into the hr.employees table of the database1 database using the ttBulkCp -directLoad option.

% ttBulkCp -directLoad -connstr "DSN=database1;UID=HR;PWD=hr" hr.employees employees.dmp

    107 rows inserted
    0 duplicate rows not inserted
    107 rows total

See ttBulkCp in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.