Using ttIsql to Manage ODBC Functions

You can perform the following on ODBC functions within ttIsql:

Canceling ODBC Functions

The ttIsql command attempts to cancel an ongoing ODBC function when the user presses Ctrl-C.

Timing ODBC Function Calls

Information on the time required to run common ODBC function calls can be displayed by using the ttIsql timing command.

When the timing feature is enabled many built-in ttIsql commands report the elapsed runtime associated with the primary ODBC function call corresponding to the ttIsql command.

For example, when running the ttIsql connect command several ODBC function calls run, however, the primary ODBC function call associated with connect is SQLDriverConnect and this is the function call that is timed and reported as shown below.

Command> timing 1;
Command> connect "DSN=database1";
Connection successful: 
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)
Execution time (SQLDriverConnect) = 1.2626 seconds.

In the example above, the SQLDriverConnect call took about 1.26 seconds to run.

When using the timing command to measure queries, the time required to run the query plus the time required to fetch the query results is measured. To avoid measuring the time to format and print query results to the display, set the verbosity level to 0 before running the query.

Command> timing 1;
Command> verbosity 0;
Command> SELECT * FROM t1;
Execution time (SQLExecute + FetchLoop) = 0.064210 seconds.