Restrictions for Classic Replication Schemes Involving Multiple Masters

Designing bidirectional replication schemes are a commonly used design for classic replication. The original design for bidirectional replication was to include only two masters. However, you are not restricted in limiting your design to only two masters in your bidirectional replication design.

If you decide to use more than two masters (a multi-master topology) and if you decide to use ttRepAdmin -duplicate to duplicate another store, you must reset the replication states for the duplicated stores subscribers with the ttRepSubscriberStateSet built-in procedure to set all subscribers to the appropriate state.

As shown in Figure 9-3, you have three masters (master1, master2, and master3) each configured with a bidirectional replication scheme with each other. If you decide to re-create master2 from master1 by running ttRepAdmin -duplicate on master1, then you must call the ttRepSubscriberStateSet built-in procedure on master2 to set the replication states for master3.

Figure 9-3 Multiple Masters Involved in Bidirectional Replication Scheme

Description of Figure 9-3 follows
Description of "Figure 9-3 Multiple Masters Involved in Bidirectional Replication Scheme"