Bulk Loading Data into a Database

TimesTen Scaleout enables you to load data into a database from various sources. You can load data into a specific table either from a file by using the ttBulkCp utility or an Oracle database table by using the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure.

Both the ttBulkCp utility and ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure support in TimesTen Scaleout a localOnly filter option that enables you to load only the rows that are hashed to the local element and its replicas. If you use the localOnly filter option, the ttBulkCp utility and ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure ignore rows that are hashed to remote elements that are not a replica of the local element. Regardless of the options you specify, the ttBulkCp utility and ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure do not copy duplicate rows into a table.

With the localOnly filter option enabled and depending of the distribution scheme of the table, the ttBulkCp utility and ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure behave as follows:

  • Hash: Retain and insert rows that have hash key values that are hashed to the elements of the local data instance and its replicas. They ignore rows that are hashed to the remaining elements.

  • Reference: Retain and insert rows whose reference key value references to a hash or reference key value that is hashed to the local element and its replicas. They ignore rows that are hashed to the remaining elements.

  • Duplicate: Ignore the localOnly option. They insert rows into the elements of all data instances.

The advantages of using the localOnly filter option are:

  • It requires less network bandwidth to distribute the data during the bulk loading operation.

  • It allows a failed bulk loading operation to be retried independent of other elements.

The disadvantages of using the localOnly filter option are:

  • The source file must be available to all hosts, or at least to one host for each replica set of the grid. This only applies for bulk loading operations with the ttBulkCp utility.

  • You must run a bulk loading operation on an element of every replica set.

  • Every bulk loading operation must process the entire data set, even though it ignores any rows hashed to a different replica set.

These topics describe how to load data into a table in TimesTen Scaleout.


The following examples consider the same grid scenario as the one described in Define the Distribution Map of the Database.

Populating a Table with the ttBulkCp Utility

The ttBulkCp utility with the -i option enables you to load data from a file. This option uses standard INSERT SQL statements to load data into a specific table of a database. The ttBulkCp utility inserts each row into its corresponding element based on the distribution scheme of the table.


  • Unlike operations performed with the ttGridAdmin utility, the ttBulkCp utility (and the ttBulkCpCS utility) must be run on a data instance instead of the active management instance, and its use is not limited to the instance administrator.

  • Ensure that the user running the command or the one specified in the connection string has INSERT privileges on the specified table.

These topics describe the options for loading data into a database while using the ttBulkCp utility.

Populate a Table from a Single Location

If the source file is only available to a single data instance, run the ttBulkCp utility with the -i option to insert the rows of the specified database into their corresponding element based on the distribution scheme of the specified database.

From the data instance with access to the source file, insert all rows in the file into the customers table of the database1 database.

% ttBulkCp -i -connStr "DSN=database1;UID=terry" customers /mydir/customers_data.dmp
Enter password for 'terry':

    1000 rows inserted
    1000 rows total

For more information on using the ttBulkCp utility, see Bulk Copy Data Using the ttBulkCp Utility in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide and ttBulkCp in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Populate a Table from Several Locations

If the source file is available to any given host in the grid, run the ttBulkCp utility with the -i and -localOnly options on one data instance of each replica set of the database to insert the rows hashed to the local element and its replicas from a file into a table.

Use the ttGridAdmin dbStatus -replicaset command from the active management instance (in this example the active management instance is host1.instance1) to help you determine the data instances associated with each replica set.

% ttGridAdmin dbStatus database1 -replicaset
Database database1 Replica Set status as of Mon Aug 16 14:05:15 PDT 2021

RS DS Elem Host  Instance  Status Cache Agent Date/Time of Event  Message 
-- -- ---- ----- --------- ------ ----------- ------------------- ------- 
 1  1    1 host3 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 1  2    2 host4 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:09         
 1  3    3 host5 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  1    4 host6 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  2    5 host7 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  3    6 host8 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:09

Insert the rows hashed to the local element and its replica from the source file into the customers table of the database1 database. Ensure you run the ttBulkCp utility on one data instance of each replica set available, the host3.instance1, host5.instance1, and host7.instance1 data instances for example.

On the host3.instance1 data instance:

% ttBulkCp -i -localOnly -connStr "DSN=database1;UID=terry" customers /mydir/customers_data.dmp
Enter password for 'terry':

    501 rows inserted
    449 rows not inserted (ignored)
    1000 rows total


For this example where the element of the host4.instance1 and host5.instance1 data instances are defined as the replicas of the element of the host3.instance1 data instance. The same rows inserted into the customers table in the element of the host3.instance1 data instance are inserted into the customers table in the element of the host4.instance1 and host5.instance1 data instance.

On the host6.instance1 data instance:

% ttBulkCp -i -localOnly -connStr "DSN=database1;UID=terry" customers /mydir/customers_data.dmp
Enter password for 'terry':

    449 rows inserted
    501 rows not inserted (ignored)
    1000 rows total


For this example where the element of the host7.instance1 and host8.instance1 data instances are defined as the replicas of the element of the host6.instance1 data instance. The same rows inserted into the customers table in the element of the host6.instance1 data instance are inserted into the customers table in the element of the host7.instance1 and host8.instance1 data instance.

For more information on the ttGridAdmin dbStatus command, see Monitor the Status of a Database (dbStatus) in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

For more information on using the ttBulkCp utility, see Bulk Copy Data Using the ttBulkCp Utility in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide and ttBulkCp in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Populating a Table with the ttLoadFromOracle Built-in Procedure

The ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure enables you to load data from an Oracle database.

These topics describe how to load data from a Oracle database into a database while using the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure.

Enable Communication to an Oracle Database

For the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure to be able to import data from an Oracle database table into a database table, TimesTen Scaleout must be able to recognize and communicate with the Oracle database. For this to happen, you need to:

  1. Import the contents of the sqlnet.ora file.

    The ttGridAdmin SQLNetImport command imports the contents of a sqlnet.ora file into the latest version of the model.

    % ttGridAdmin SQLNetImport /mydir/sqlnet.ora
    SQLNet configuration file /mydir/sqlnet.ora imported
  2. Import the contents of the tnsnames.ora file.

    The ttGridAdmin TNSNamesImport command imports the contents of a tnsnames.ora file into the latest version of the model.

    % ttGridAdmin TNSNamesImport /mydir/tnsnames.ora
    TNSNames configuration file /mydir/tnsnames.ora imported


    Importing the contents of both the sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files is also relevant for applications that use OCI, Pro*C/C++, or ODP.NET to communicate with an Oracle Database. See Oracle Database Operations in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  3. Apply the changes made to the latest version of the model.

    The ttGridAdmin modelApply command applies the changes made to the latest version of the model into the operational grid.

    % ttGridAdmin modelApply
    Updating grid state...................................................OK
    Pushing new configuration files to each Instance......................OK
    ttGridAdmin modelApply complete

    See Applying the Changes Made to the Model for more information on the ttGridAdmin modelApply command.

Populate a Table from a Single Location

The following example connects with the ttIsql utility to the database1 database to copy the rows from the terry.customers table of an Oracle database into the terry.customers table of the database1 database.


Ensure that the database user has the INSERT privilege on the table the built-in procedure copies data into.

From a connection to the element of any data instance:

Command> call ttLoadFromOracle('terry', 'customers', 'SELECT * FROM terry.customers');
< 1000 >
1 row found.

For more information on the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure, see ttLoadFromOracle in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Populate a Table from Several Locations

Call the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure with the localOnly=Y parameter to copy the rows hashed to a local element and its replicas from an Oracle database table into a TimesTen Scaleout database table. If you use the localOnly=Y parameter, the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure ignores rows that are hashed to remote elements that are not a replicas of the local element.

The following example connects with the ttIsql utility to the database1 database to copy the rows hashed to the local element and its replicas from the terry.customers table of an Oracle database into the terry.customers table of the database1 database. If necessary, use the ttGridAdmin dbStatus -replicaset command from the active management instance (in this example the active management instance is host1.instance1) to help you determine the data instances associated with each replica set.

% ttGridAdmin dbStatus database1 -replicaset
Database database1 Replica Set status as of Mon Aug 16 14:05:15 PDT 2021

RS DS Elem Host  Instance  Status Cache Agent Date/Time of Event  Message 
-- -- ---- ----- --------- ------ ----------- ------------------- ------- 
 1  1    1 host3 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 1  2    2 host4 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:09         
 1  3    3 host5 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  1    4 host6 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  2    5 host7 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:08         
 2  3    6 host8 instance1 opened stopped     2021-08-12 14:49:09

Ensure you call the ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure on one replica of each replica set available, the host3.instance1 and host6.instance1 data instances for example.


Ensure that the database user has the INSERT privilege on the table the built-in procedure copies data into.

From a connection to the element of the host3.instance1 data instance:

Command> call ttLoadFromOracle('terry', 'customers', 'SELECT * FROM terry.customers', 4, 'localOnly=Y');
< 501 >
1 row found.


For this example where the element of the host4.instance1 and host5.instance1 data instances are defined as the replicas of the element of the host3.instance1 data instance. The same rows inserted into the customers table in the element of the host3.instance1 data instance are inserted into the customers table in the element of the host4.instance1 and host5.instance1 data instance.

From a connection to the element of the host6.instance1 data instance:

Command> call ttLoadFromOracle('terry', 'customers', 'SELECT * FROM terry.customers', 4, 'localOnly=Y');
< 449 >
1 row found.


For this example where the element of the host7.instance1 and host8.instance1 data instances are defined as the replicas of the element of the host6.instance1 data instance. The same rows inserted into the customers table in the element of the host6.instance1 data instance are inserted into the customers table in the element of the host7.instance1 and host8.instance1 data instance.

For more information on the ttGridAdmin dbStatus command or ttLoadFromOracle built-in procedure, see Monitor the Status of a Database (dbStatus) or ttLoadFromOracle, respectively, in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.