Set Up the Membership Service

TimesTen Scaleout includes Apache ZooKeeper as a third party membership service. You can find the ZooKeeper installation files in the installation_dir/tt22. file of a TimesTen Scaleout installation.

To configure and initialize the membership service as required for TimesTen Scaleout, complete the next steps:

  1. Install Apache ZooKeeper

  2. Configure the ZooKeeper Servers

  3. Start the ZooKeeper Servers

  4. Create the Client Configuration File


See Overview of the Membership Service in TimesTen Scaleout for a more comprehensive description of the membership service in TimesTen Scaleout, including the configuration of Apache ZooKeeper.

Install Apache ZooKeeper

Unpack Apache ZooKeeper on each system that you defined for the role of a membership server.

% mkdir -p /grid/membership
% tar -zvxf apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin.tar.gz -C /grid/membership

Configure the ZooKeeper Servers

Once the installation files are available on all the systems defined as membership servers, create the zoo.cfg and myid configuration files on those systems.

% vi /grid/membership/apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin/conf/zoo.cfg

4lw.commands.whitelist=stat, ruok, conf, isro

Ensure that in the myid file you assign the same n value as in the server.n parameter of the zoo.cfg file. For example, since the ms-host1 system is identified as server.1 in the zoo.cfg file, then the myid file of that system must contain a single line with a 1.

% vi /grid/membership/apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin/conf/myid


Also, create the location specified for the dataDir parameter.

% mkdir -p /grid/membership/apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin/data

See Configuring Apache ZooKeeper as the Membership Service.

Start the ZooKeeper Servers

Start the ZooKeeper server on all the systems that you defined for the role of a membership server.

% /grid/membership/apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin/bin/ start

If you want to verify that ZooKeeper is running properly, use:

% /grid/membership/apache-zookeeper-3.8.1-bin/bin/ -server ms-host1:2181

Create the Client Configuration File

The client configuration file identifies the host names and client TCP/IP ports of all membership servers.

Create a client configuration file in a directory on the system defined as the host of the active management instance, as shown next.

% vi /mydir/membership.conf

Servers ms-host1!2181,ms-host2!2181,ms-host3!2181