TimesTen Scaleout Prerequisites

Before you install TimesTen Scaleout and configure your grid, ensure that your hosts fulfill certain prerequisites.

Ensure That TimesTen Scaleout Supports the OS Installed on Each Host

Once you know which systems you are going to use as hosts in your grid, ensure that TimesTen Scaleout supports the platform and operating system installed on each host. All hosts must run the same platform and OS version and release.

For a list of the operating systems that TimesTen Scaleout supports, see the README.html file your installation directory.

Configure All Hosts in the Same Internal Network

Create a single internal network for all hosts to communicate with each other. Client connections to the database may be handled through a external network, if available.

See Network Requirements.

Create a TimesTen User Group and OS User

Create the GID for the TimesTen users group and the username and UID for the role of instance administrator. Ensure that they exist and are the same on all hosts.

% sudo groupadd -g 10000 timesten
% sudo useradd -u 55000 -g timesten instanceadmin
% sudo passwd instanceadmin

See Understanding TimesTen Users Group and Operating System User.

Set Linux Kernel Parameters

Configure the following parameters of the system kernel on all hosts with a data instance. These values are based on your database requirements:

% sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.sem=2203 281984 100 128

Enable these settings without restarting on all modified hosts. Consider that the HugePages parameters may require a system reboot to take full effect.

% sudo /sbin/sysctl -p

See Configuring Linux Kernel Parameters.

Set the MEMLOCK Settings for the Instance Administrator

Set the recommended memlock settings for the instance administrator based on the shared memory segment of each host.

% sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
instanceadmin soft   memlock 50331648
instanceadmin hard   memlock 50331648

See Set the MEMLOCK Parameters.