Setting TimesTen Environment Variables

This section discusses how to set environment variables for TimesTen, on Linux or UNIX or on Windows.

Set Environment Variables on Linux or UNIX

To use TTClasses on a Linux or UNIX system, ensure that your shell environment variables are set correctly through the appropriate ttenv script in the timesten_home/bin directory, where timesten_home is the TimesTen instance home directory.

The script is or ttenv.csh on Linux or UNIX platforms (which you use depends on your shell).

Instead of doing this directly, you can add a line for the appropriate script to your login initialization script (for example, .profile or .cshrc).

See Environment Variables in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

Set Environment Variables on Windows

Before recompiling your application on a Windows system, ensure that the PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables point to the correct Visual Studio directories.

Execute the applicable Visual Studio C++ batch file (for example, VCVARS32.BAT or VSVARS32.BAT) to accomplish this.

Then set environment variables for TimesTen by running the following, where timesten_home is the TimesTen instance home directory:
