TTXlaTableList Reference

The TTXlaTableList class provides a list of TTXlaTableHandler objects and is used to dispatch update notification events to the appropriate TTXlaTableHandler object.

Public Members


Public Methods

This section summarizes then describes the TTXlaTableList public methods.

Public methods summary

Method Description


Adds a TTXlaTableHandler object to the list.


Deletes a TTXlaTableHandler object from the list.


Processes a record obtained from a ttXlaUpdateDesc_t structure.


void add(TTXlaTableHandler* tblh)

Adds a TTXlaTableHandler object to the list.


void del(TTXlaTableHandler* tblh)

Deletes a TTXlaTableHandler object from the list.


void HandleChange(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t* updateDescP)
void HandleChange(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t* updateDescP, void* pData)

When a ttXlaUpdateDesc_t object is received from XLA, it can be processed by calling this method, which determines which table the record references and calls the HandleChange() method of the appropriate TTXlaTableHandler object.

See HandleChange() for TTXlaTableHandler objects, including a discussion of the pData parameter.