Creating First VM Cluster Network on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer

Follow the steps in the following sections to create your first VM Cluster Network.

About Managing VM Cluster Networks on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer

The VM cluster provides a link between your Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer infrastructure and Oracle Databases you deploy.

Before you can create any databases on your Exadata Cloud@Customer infrastructure, you must create a VM cluster network, and you must associate it with a VM cluster.

The VM cluster network specifies network resources, such as IP addresses and host names, that reside in your corporate data center and are allocated to Exadata Cloud@Customer. The VM cluster network includes definitions for the Exadata client network and the Exadata backup network. The client network and backup network contain the network interfaces that you use to connect to the VM cluster virtual machines, and ultimately the databases that reside on those virtual machines.


Avoid entering confidential information when assigning descriptions, tags, or friendly names to your cloud resources through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, API, or CLI.

Using the Console to Create a VM Cluster Network

To create your VM cluster network with the Console, be prepared to provide values for the fields required for configuring the infrastructure.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  2. Choose the Region and Compartment that contains the Exadata infrastructure for which you want to create a VM cluster network.
  3. Click Exadata Infrastructure.
  4. Click the name of the Exadata infrastructure for which you want to create a VM cluster network.

    The Infrastructure Details page displays information about the selected Exadata infrastructure.

  5. Click Create VM Cluster Network.
  6. Provide the requested information on the Data Center Network Details page:
    1. Provide the display name.

      The display name is a user-friendly name that you can use to identify the VM cluster network. The name doesn't need to be unique because an Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) uniquely identifies the VM cluster network.

    2. Assign IPs to DB servers.

      By default, all DB servers are assigned IP addresses to enable easy addition and removal of VMs to the cluster in the future. Note that while DB Servers can be added to or removed from the VM Cluster Network, addresses cannot be changed in the future. It is advisable to plan ahead and reserve enough addresses with your network team to accommodate any and all future growth of your VM Cluster to avoid a database migration scenario in the future. If needed, then edit the list of DB servers from assigning IP addresses. If needed, then edit the list of DB servers from assigning IP addresses.

      1. Click Edit DB Server Selection.

        Edit DB Server Selection dialog is displayed.

      2. Clear the checkboxes to omit one or more DB servers.
      3. Click Save Changes.

        Assign IPs to DB servers section displays the list of selected DB servers.

    3. Provide client network details.
      The client network is the primary channel for application connectivity to Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer resources. The following settings define the required network parameters:
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the client network between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved and cannot be entered.
      • Database servers starting IP address: Using CIDR notation, provide the IP address range for the client network.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the client network.
      • Gateway: Specify the IP address of the client network gateway.
      • Hostname Prefix: Specify the prefix that is used to generate the hostnames in the client network.
      • Domain Name: Specify the domain name for the client network.
    4. Provide backup network details.
      The backup network is the secondary channel for connectivity to Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer resources. It is typically used to segregate application connections on the client network from other network traffic. The following settings define the required network parameters:
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the backup network between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved, and cannot be entered.
      • Database servers starting IP address: Using CIDR notation, provide the IP address range for the backup network.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the backup network.
      • Gateway: Specify the IP address of the backup network gateway.
      • Hostname Prefix: Specify the prefix that is used to generate the hostnames in the backup network.
      • Domain Name: Specify the domain name for the backup network.
    5. (For authorized customers only) Optionally, provide disaster recovery network details. The disaster recovery network is typically used to segregate Data Guard network traffic. The following settings define the required network parameters:
      • Select the Enable disaster recovery network checkbox to configure the third network.
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the disaster recovery between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved, and cannot be entered.

      • Database servers starting IP address: Using CIDR notation, provide the IP address range for the backup network.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the backup network.
      • Gateway: Specify the IP address of the backup network gateway.
      • Hostname Prefix: Specify the prefix that is used to generate the hostnames in the backup network.
      • Domain Name: Specify the domain name for the backup network.
    6. Provide DNS and NTP server details.
      The VM cluster network requires access to Domain Names System (DNS) and Network Time Protocol (NTP) services. The following settings specify the servers that provide these services:
      • DNS Servers: Provide the IP address of a DNS server that is accessible using the client network. You may specify up to three DNS servers.
      • NTP Servers: Provide the IP address of an NTP server that is accessible using the client network. You may specify up to three NTP servers.
    7. Configure Advanced Options.

      Network: (Optional) Assign a SCAN listener port (TCP/IP) in the range between 1024 and 8999. Default is 1521.

      Tags: (Optional) You can choose to apply tags. If you have permission to create a resource, then you also have permission to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permission to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, refer to information about resource tags. If you are not sure if you should apply tags, then skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

  7. Click Review Configuration.

    The Review Configuration page displays detailed information about the VM cluster network, including the hostname and IP address allocations. These allocations are initially system-generated and are based on your inputs.

  8. (Optional) You can choose to adjust the system-generated network definitions on the Review Configuration page.
    1. Click Edit.
    2. Use the Edit dialog to adjust the system-generated network definitions to meet your requirements.
    3. Click Save Changes.
  9. Click Create VM Cluster Network.

    The VM Cluster Network Details page is now displayed. Initially, after creation, the state of the VM cluster network is Requires Validation.

Maximum and recommended CIDR block prefix lengths for each Exadata system shape

The following table specifies the maximum and recommended CIDR block prefix lengths for each Exadata system shape. The maximum CIDR block prefix length defines the smallest block of IP addresses that are required for the network. To allow for possible future expansion within Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer, work with your network team to reserve enough IP addresses to accommodate any future growth.

Max # Database Servers Client and DR Subnet Size Backup Subnet Size


/28 (16 IPs)

/29 (8 IPs)


/27 (32 IPs)

/28 (16 IPs)


/26 (64 IPs)

/27 (32 IPs)


/25 (128 IPs)

/26 (64 IPs)

Related Topics

Using the Console to Edit a VM Cluster Network

To edit a VM Cluster Network, use this procedure. You can only edit a VM cluster network that is not associated with a VM cluster.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  2. Choose the Region and Compartment that contains the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you want to edit.
  3. Click Exadata Infrastructure.
  4. Click the name of the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you are interested in.

    The Infrastructure Details page displays information about the selected Exadata infrastructure.

  5. Click the name of the VM cluster network that you want to edit.

    The VM Cluster Network Details page displays information about the selected VM cluster network.

  6. Click Edit VM Cluster Network.
  7. Use the Edit dialog to edit the VM cluster network attributes:
    1. Client Network
      The client network is the primary channel for application connectivity to Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer resources. You can edit the following client network settings:
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the client network between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved and cannot be entered.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the client network.
      • Gateway: Specify the IP address of the client network gateway.
      • Hostname: Specify the hostname for each address in the client network.
      • IP Address: Specify the IP address for each address in the client network.
    2. Backup Network
      The backup network is the secondary channel for connectivity to Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer resources. It is typically used to segregate application connections on the client network from other network traffic. You can edit the following backup network settings:
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the backup network between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved and cannot be entered.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the disaster recovery network.
      • Hostname: Specify the hostname for each address in the backup network.
      • IP Address: Specify the IP address for each address in the backup network.
    3. Disaster Recovery Network
      If so equipped (for authorized customers only), you can edit the following disaster recovery network settings:
      • VLAN ID: Provide a virtual LAN identifier (VLAN ID) for the backup network between 1 and 4094, inclusive. To specify no VLAN tagging, enter "1". (This is equivalent to a "NULL" VLAN ID tag value.)


        The values "0" and "4095" are reserved and cannot be entered.
      • Netmask: Specify the IP netmask for the disaster recovery network.
      • Hostname: Specify the hostname for each address in the backup network.
      • IP Address: Specify the IP address for each address in the backup network.
    4. Configure DNS and NTP Servers
      The VM cluster network requires access to Domain Names System (DNS) and Network Time Protocol (NTP) services. You can edit the following settings:
      • DNS Servers: Provide the IP address of a DNS server that is accessible using the client network. You may specify up to three DNS servers.
      • NTP Servers: Provide the IP address of an NTP server that is accessible using the client network. You may specify up to three NTP servers.
  8. Click Save Changes.

    After editing, the state of the VM cluster network is Requires Validation.

Using the Console to Download a File Containing the VM Cluster Network Configuration Details

To provide VM cluster network information to your network administrator, you can download and supply a file containing the network configuration.

Use this procedure to download a configuration file that you can supply to your network administrator. The file contains the information needed to configure your corporate DNS and other network devices to work along with Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  2. Choose the Region and Compartment that contains the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you are interested in.
  3. Click Exadata Infrastructure.
  4. Click the name of the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you are interested in.

    The Infrastructure Details page displays information about the selected Exadata infrastructure.

  5. Click the name of the VM cluster network for which you want to download a file containing the VM cluster network configuration details.

    The VM Cluster Network Details page displays information about the selected VM cluster network.

  6. Click Download Network Configuration.

    Your browser downloads a file containing the VM cluster network configuration details.

Using the Console to Validate a VM Cluster Network

You can only validate a VM cluster network if its current state is Requires Validation, and if the underlying Exadata infrastructure is activated.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Oracle Database, click Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer.
  2. Choose the Region and Compartment that contains the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you want to validate.
  3. Click Exadata Infrastructure.
  4. Click the name of the Exadata infrastructure that is associated with the VM cluster network that you are interested in.

    The Infrastructure Details page displays information about the selected Exadata infrastructure.

  5. Click the name of the VM cluster network that you want to validate.

    The VM Cluster Network Details page displays information about the selected VM cluster network.

  6. Click Validate VM Cluster Network.

    Validation performs a series of automated checks on the VM cluster network. The Validate VM Cluster Network button is only available if the VM cluster network requires validation.

  7. In the resulting dialog, click Validate to confirm the action.

    After successful validation, the state of the VM cluster network changes to Validated and the VM cluster network is ready to use. If validation fails for any reason, examine the error message and resolve the issue before repeating validation.

    If network validation fails, then a banner with the Download Report button is displayed. Download the report, edit the network resources assignment, and then try validating again.