Configuring the SNMP Subscriber for Fault Notification on Release 12.x or Later

Use the ALTER CELL or ALTER DBSERVER commands to configure SNMP trap destinations for servers running Oracle Exadata System Software release 12.x or later.

  1. Configure the SNMP subscriber on each database server.
    1. Log in to the first database server as the root user.
    2. Retrieve the current SNMP subscriber configuration for the server.

      If the SNMP subscriber has not been configured, the operating system prompt reappears without displaying any information.

      # dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpsubscriber
    3. Modify the snmpSubscriber attribute for the server.

      If you want to add only a single SNMP subscriber for Oracle ASR, then enter a command similar to the following:

      # dbmcli -e alter dbserver snmpSubscriber="((host='',port=162,


      • To support automatic diagnostic package uploads, you must set fromIP on the database nodes to the value of the IP address of the eth0 network interface.

      • In the previous example, the specified snmpSubscriber value replaces any previous configured value. If the snmpSubscriber value is already configured, and you want to add to the list of SNMP targets, then use the += operator instead of =.

        For example:

        alter dbserver snmpSubscriber+="snmpSubscriber_value"

      If you need to add multiple fault notification destinations, then specify multiple SNMP subscribers using a comma-delimited list. For example:

      # dbmcli -e alter dbserver snmpSubscriber="((host='',port=162,
    4. Verify the SNMP subscriber attribute has been updated on the server.
      # dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpsubscriber
    5. Repeat the previous substeps on each database server.
  2. Configure the SNMP subscriber on each Oracle Exadata Storage Server.
    1. Log in to the storage server as celladmin, or an equivalent OS user.
    2. Retrieve the current SNMP subscriber configuration for the server.

      If the SNMP subscriber has not been configured, the operating system prompt reappears without displaying any information.

      # cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpsubscriber
    3. Modify the snmpSubscriber attribute for the server.

      If you want to add only a single SNMP subscriber for Oracle ASR, then enter a command similar to the following:

      # cellcli -e alter cell snmpSubscriber="((host='',port=162,


      • To support automatic diagnostic package uploads, you must set fromIP on the database nodes to the value of the IP address of the eth0 network interface.

      • In the previous example, the specified snmpSubscriber value replaces any previous configured value. If the snmpSubscriber value is already configured, and you want to add to the list of SNMP targets, then use the += operator instead of =.

        For example:

        alter cell snmpSubscriber+="snmpSubscriber_value"

      If you need to add multiple fault notification destinations, then specify multiple SNMP subscribers using a comma-delimited list. For example:

      # cellcli -e alter cell snmpSubscriber="((host='',port=162,
    4. Verify the SNMP subscriber attribute has been updated on the server.
      # cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpsubscriber
    5. Repeat the previous substeps on each storage server.

Alternatively, you can use the exadcli utility to run the command on a specified group of servers. If you have not used exadcli before, see Using exadcli for the First Time.

For example, you might use the following exadcli commands to query or update all database servers with a single command:

# exadcli -c dbnode01,dbnode02 -l dbnodeadmin list dbserver attributes snmpsubscriber

# exadcli -c dbnode01,dbnode02 -l dbnodeadmin alter dbserver snmpSubscriber=

# exadcli -c cell01,cell02,cell03 -l celladmin list cell attributes snmpsubscriber

# exadcli -c cell01,cell02,cell03 -l celladmin alter cell snmpSubscriber=