Configuring the SNMP Subscriber on Release 11.x

Use the dcli utility to configure SNMP trap destinations for servers running Oracle Exadata System Software release 11.x.

  1. Log into a database server as root.
  2. Run one of the following commands, depending on your environment, where the dbs_group file identifies the database servers to configure:
    • Oracle Exadata System Software release or earlier:

      # dcli -g dbs_group -l root "/opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/ -set_snmp_subscribers \"\(type=asr,host=
      ASR Manager host name or IP,port=162,community=public\)\""
    • Oracle Exadata System Software later than release

      # dcli -g dbs_group -l root "fromip=\$(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/
       {print \$2}' | cut -d: -f2);/opt/oracle.cellos/compmon
      / -set_snmp_subscribers \"(type=asr,host=[ASR 
      Manager host name or IP],fromip=\$fromip,port=162,community=public)\""


    Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)s are set up by Oracle Exadata utilities. Do not configure ILOMs manually.
  3. Log in to a storage server as celladmin or an equivalent user.
  4. Review the current setting of the snmpSubscriber attribute on all of the storage servers.

    In the following example, the cell_group file identifies the storage servers that you plan to configure:

    # dcli -g cell_group -l celladmin "cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber" 

    In some cases, SNMP entries can already be configured for monitoring. (For example: SNMPs configured for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control).

  5. Modify the snmpSubscriber attribute on the storage servers.

    If the snmpSubscriber attribute was already configured, include the previous information in the following command:

    # dcli -g cell_group -l celladmin "cellcli -e alter cell snmpsubscriber=
  6. Verify the snmpSubscriber attribute was modified on the servers.

    For storage servers:

    # dcli -g cell_group -l celladmin "cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber"