3 Enabling Automatic DiagPack Upload for Oracle ASR

You can upload diagnostic packages to Oracle ASR automatically.

In Oracle Exadata System Software release, Management Server (MS) communicates with Oracle ASR Manager to upload a diagnostic package containing information relevant to the Oracle ASR automatically. MS provides support to automatically upload diagpacks over HTTPS starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.1.0.

For Oracle ASR Manager release 5.7 or later, the http_receiver is enabled by default, but the HTTPS/SSL configuration might not be. If you want to use HTTP to upload the diagnostic packages, then verify that HTTP Port has the same value as asrmPort on database and storage servers. If you want to use HTTPS to upload the diagnostic packages, then verify that HTTPS/SSL configuration is enabled and that HTTPS/SSL Port has the same value as asrmPort on database and storage servers. If you are using a release earlier than Oracle ASR Manager release 5.7, then you must upgrade to release 5.7 or later to use the Automatic DiagPack Upload feature.

  1. Verify the http_receiver is enabled and determine the port being used.

    Run the following command from Oracle ASR Manager:

    asr show_http_receiver

    The following example shows the output with HTTPS enabled:

             HTTP Receiver configuration:
             HTTP Receiver Status: Enabled
             Host Name: exa-asr.example.com
             SFB forward: true
             HTTP Port: 16161
             HTTPS/SSL Port: 8701
             HTTPS/SSL: Enabled
             To register an ASR Manager or Solaris 11 server to this ASR Manager Relay, use:
             ASR Manager: asr register -e http://exa-asr.example.com:16161/asr        
             Solaris: asradm register -e http://exa-asr.example.com:16161/asr
             ASR Manager: asr register -e https://exa-asr.example.com:8701/asr
             Solaris: asradm register -e https://exa-asr.example.com:8701/asr

    The following example shows the output with only HTTP enabled:

          HTTP Receiver configuration:
          HTTP Receiver Status: Enabled
          Host Name: 
          HTTP Port: 16161    
          HTTPS/SSL configuration is not enabled. 
          To register an ASR Manager or Solaris 11 server to this ASR Manager 
    Relay, use:    
          ASR Manager: asr register -e      
          Solaris: asradm register -e
  2. Verify the port used by http_receiver for Oracle ASR is the same as the asrmPort set for the snmpSubscriber on the database servers and storage servers.
    1. Check the asrmPort for the snmpSubscriber on the database servers:
      dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpSubscriber

      The output will be similar to the following:

    2. Check the asrmPort for the snmpSubscriber on the storage servers:
      cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber

      The output will be similar to the following:

  3. If necessary, enable the http_receiver or change the port to match the asrmPort value.

    Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) automatically enables HTTPS/SSL for Oracle ASR Manager and imports the certificate on database and storage servers. However, it is still possible that you may need to manually enable HTTPS/SSL for Oracle ASR Manager under some circumstances. Refer to Enabling HTTPS/SSL on Oracle ASR Manager for instructions on how to configure HTTPS uploads for Oracle ASR Manager.

    If the http_receiver port is not the same, you can either disable http_receiver and enable it again using the same port as asrmPort, or you can set the asrmPort of snmpSubscriber to match that of http_receiver.

    To enable http_receiver, use a command similar to the following, where port is the port the http_receiver listens on for either HTTP or HTTPs.

    asr enable_http_receiver -p port


    The port specified for the http_receiver has to be the same as the asrmPort specified for the snmpSubscriber on the database servers and storage servers for the automatic DiagPack upload feature to work.
  4. If the snmpSubscriber was configured on the database or storage server before enabling HTTPS/SSL for Oracle ASR Manager, then restart MS.

    The MS on the database and storage servers need to be restarted before you can use HTTPS to upload the diagnostic packages. If HTTPS/SSL was enabled on for Oracle ASR Manager before configuring snmpSubscriber on the database and storage servers, then you do not need to restart MS.