Enable HTTP Access on Oracle ASR Manager

You can send Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) fault events and telemetry to Oracle Support Services using XML over HTTP to the Oracle ASR Manager.

Select a port for the HTTP receiver that is appropriate for your network environment and does not conflict with other network services.

  1. View the current HTTP receiver configuration port and status.
    asr> show_http_receiver
  2. If HTTP is not already configured, enable the HTTP receiver.
    asr> enable_http_receiver -p port_number
    If you see the following error and DNS is not available, then you will need to configure the HTTP receiver manually:
    Unable to determine the fully qualified domain name for this ASR 
    Manager via DNS. Please refer to the Oracle ASR Installation and Operations 
    Guide for troubleshooting information.

    To configure HTTP receiver manually, perform the following steps:

    1. Set the IP address of Oracle ASR Manager.
      /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr set_property org.osgi.service.http.host IP_address_of_ASR_manager
    2. Set the HTTP port.
      /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr set_property org.osgi.service.http.port http_port
    3. Enable HTTP.
      /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr set_property org.apache.felix.http.enable true
    4. Restart the Oracle ASR Manager.
  3. Verify the HTTP receiver is up and running.

    In a browser, enter the following address:


    You should see a message indicating that the HTTP receiver is up and running.