3.8.2 Adding a New Storage Server to an Eighth Rack Cluster

Perform the following steps to add a new Oracle Exadata X7 or later storage server to an existing Oracle Exadata X7 or later Eighth Rack.

  1. If configured, drop the PMEM Cache and PMEM log.
    $ cellcli -e drop pmemcache all
    $ cellcli -e drop pmemlog all
  2. On the new storage server, drop the flash cache, flash log and cell disks.
    cellcli -e drop flashcache all
    cellcli -e drop flashlog all
    cellcli -e drop celldisk all
  3. On the new storage server, enable the eighthrack attribute.
    cellcli -e alter cell eighthRack=true
  4. On the new storage server, create the cell disks.
    cellcli -e create celldisk all
  5. On the new storage server, create the flash log.
    cellcli -e create flashlog all
  6. If applicable, on the new storage server, create the PMEM log.
    cellcli -e create pmemlog all
  7. On any of the existing storage servers, retrieve the value of the cell attribute flashcachemode.
    cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode

    The flashcachemode attribute on the new storage server is set to WriteThrough by default. All storage servers should have the same flashcachemode attribute setting.

    If the existing storage servers are using WriteBack mode, then you should change the attribute flashcachemode on the new storage server, as shown here:

    cellcli -e alter cell flashcachemode=writeback
  8. On the new storage server, create the flash cache.
    cellcli -e create flashcache all
  9. If the storage servers use PMEM cache, then retrieve the value of the cell attribute pmemcachemode.
    cellcli -e list cell attributes pmemcachemode

    The pmemcachemode attribute on the new storage server is set to WriteThrough by default. All storage servers should have the same pmemcachemode attribute setting.

    If the existing storage servers are using WriteBack mode, then you should change the attribute pmemcachemode on the new storage server, as shown here:

    cellcli -e alter cell pmemcachemode=writeback
  10. If the storage servers use PMEM cache, then, on the new storage server, create the PMEM cache.
    cellcli -e create pmemcache all
  11. On any of the existing storage servers, obtain information on the grid disk configuration.
    cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,offset,size,cachingpolicy
  12. On the new storage server, create the grid disks (repeat for each set of grid disks to match the configuration of the existing storage servers).

    In the following command, replace the italicized text with the corresponding values obtained in step 11.

    cellcli -e CREATE GRIDDISK ALL HARDDISK PREFIX=matching_prefix_of_the_
    corresponding_existing_diskgroup, size=size_followed_by_G_or_T, 
    comment =\"Cluster cluster_name diskgroup diskgroup_name\"
  13. On the new storage server, validate the grid disks have the same configuration of the grid disks as the existing storage servers (by comparing with the information obtained in step 11.
    cellcli -e list griddisk attributes name,offset,size,cachingpolicy
  14. (X2 to X8 servers only) If the environment has partition keys (pkeys) implemented, configure pkeys for the RDMA Network Fabric interfaces. Refer to step 6 from Implementing InfiniBand Partitioning across OVM RAC clusters on Exadata (My Oracle Support Doc ID 2075398.1) for this task.
  15. On the new storage server, identify the IP address for both ports for either InfiniBand Network Fabric or RoCE Network Fabric.
    cellcli -e list cell attributes name,ipaddress1,ipaddress2
  16. Add the IP addresses from step 15 to the /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora file on every database server.

    Perform these steps on any database server in the cluster:

    1. cd /etc/oracle/cell/network-config
    2. cp cellip.ora cellip.ora.orig
    3. cp cellip.ora cellip.ora-bak
    4. Add the new entries to /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora-bak.
    5. Copy the edited file to the cellip.ora file on all database s using the following command, where database_nodes refers to a file containing the names of each database server in the cluster, with each name on a separate line:
      /usr/local/bin/dcli -g database_nodes -l root -f cellip.ora-bak -d /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora
  17. Connect to any of the Oracle ASM instances and ensure the grid disks from the new storage server are discoverable.
    SQL> set pagesize 30
    SQL> set linesize 132
    SQL> col path format a70
    SQL> SELECT inst_id,path FROM gv$asm_disk WHERE header_status='CANDIDATE' 
      2> ORDER BY inst_id,path;
    ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             1 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
             2 o/;
  18. Connect to one of the Oracle ASM instances and add the new disks to the existing disk groups.
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP datac1 ADD DISK ‘o/;192.168.17.
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP recoc1 ADD DISK ‘o/;192.168.17.


    The rebalance operation triggered by adding the disks will run at the default Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) best practice power (should be 4). If the application service level performance is not a concern, then consider increasing the power for a faster rebalance.
  19. Obtain a report of the number of disks per failure group. 6 disks per failure group are expected for High Capacity (HC) Storage Servers and 4 disks per failure group are expected for Extreme Flash (EF) Storage Servers.
    SQL> SELECT d.group_number,dg.name,failgroup,mode_status,COUNT(*)
      2> FROM v$asm_disk d,v$asm_diskgroup dg
      3> WHERE d.group_number=dg.group_number
      4> AND failgroup_type='REGULAR'
      5> GROUP BY d.group_number,dg.name,failgroup,mode_status;
    GROUP_NUMBER NAME                FAILGROUP            MODE_ST COUNT(*)
    ------------ ------------------- -------------------- ------- --------
               1 DATAC1              CELADM08             ONLINE         6
               1 DATAC1              CELADM09             ONLINE         6
               1 DATAC1              CELADM10             ONLINE         6
               1 DATAC1              CELADM11             ONLINE         6
               2 RECOC1              CELADM08             ONLINE         6
               2 RECOC1              CELADM09             ONLINE         6
               2 RECOC1              CELADM10             ONLINE         6
               2 RECOC1              CELADM11             ONLINE         6
  20. If Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) alerting was set up on the existing storage servers, configure cell Oracle ASR alerting for the storage server being added.
    1. From any existing storage server, list the cell snmpsubscriber attribute.
      CellCLI> LIST CELL ATTRIBUTES snmpsubscriber
    2. Apply the same snmpsubscriber attribute value to the new storage server by running the following command, replacing snmpsubscriber with the value from the previous command.
      CellCLI> ALTER CELL snmpsubscriber=snmpsubscriber


      In the snmpsubscriber value, enclose the host name or IP address in quotation marks if it contains non-alphanumeric characters. For example:

      CellCLI> ALTER CELL snmpSubscriber=((host="asr-host.example.com",port=162,community=public,type=asr,asrmPort=16161))
    3. From any existing storage server, list the cell attributes required for configuring cell alerting.
      notificationMethod,notificationPolicy,mailServer,smtpToAddr, -
    4. Apply the same values to the new storage server by running the following command, substituting the placeholders with the values found from the existing storage server.
      CellCLI> ALTER CELL -
       notificationMethod='notificationMethod', -
       notificationPolicy='notificationPolicy', -
       mailServer='mailServer', -
       smtpToAddr='smtpToAddr', -
       smtpFrom='smtpFrom', -
       smtpFromAddr='smtpFromAddr', -
       smtpUseSSL=smtpUseSSL, -