Backing Up Settings on a Switch with 1.0.1 Firmware

The following procedure describes how to back up the settings on a switch with 1.0.1 firmware:

  1. Log in to the switch as the root user. If you do not have the password for the root user, then contact Oracle Support Services.
  2. Make copies of the following files:
    • Network configuration: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

    • DNS information: /etc/resolv.conf

    • NTP information: /etc/ntp.conf

    • Time zone information: /etc/localtime

    • openSM settings: /etc/opensm/opensm.conf

    • Host name: /etc/sysconfig/network

    • root SSH keys: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

    • nm2user SSH keys (if it exists): /home/nm2user/.ssh/authorized_keys

  3. Run the hostname command and save the output, in case the host name is not set in the /etc/sysconfig/network file.
  4. Save the passwords for the root and nm2user accounts.
  5. Run the nm2version command and save the output.