Configuring YUM to Connect to the Oracle Public Repository

The Oracle Linux YUM server offers a free and convenient way to install the latest Oracle Linux packages. Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) enables you to update patches and errata for a specific version.

This procedure is only supported for Oracle Exadata on-premise database servers running Oracle Linux. It is not supported for storage servers or Oracle VM environments, either management domains (dom0) or user domains (domU).

Oracle Linux Yum Server is the Public Repository. For more information on how to obtain updates from the Oracle Linux Yum Server, see http://yum.oracle.com. For more information about ULN, see http://linux.oracle.com.

  1. As the root user on a database server, verify that the RHNS-CA-CERT certificate is not expired.
    # yum list installed

    If the certificate is expired, refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 2207336.1 to fix the issue.

  2. Switch to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  3. Download the repository configuration file.

    Use the curl utility to download the repository configuration file that is appropriate for your system. You can alternatively copy the contents of http://yum.oracle.com/public-yum-release.repo into a file, where release corresponds to the Oracle Linux release, for example ol6 or ol7.

    For example, to get the configuration for the Oracle Linux 6 repository using curl, use the following command:

    # curl -O http://yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
    for more information.
  4. On a database server, install the rhn-setup package to enable uln_register.


    Do not register your storage servers with ULN or the public yum server.
    # yum install rhn-setup.noarch


If you are not using the latest release of Oracle Linux, you will need to edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo and enable the correct repository to match the system version. Contact Oracle Support Services and refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 2241729.1.