Database Server Metrics

Database server metrics provide information about the server, such as CPU utilization, memory or network interconnections.

To display database server metrics, use an object type attribute equal to DBSERVER with the METRICCURRENT, METRICDEFINITION, and METRICHISTORY objects. Example 9-4 shows how to display database server metrics.

The following list describes the metric names and descriptions for database server metrics. The database server for the metric is specified by the metricObjectName attribute of the METRICCURRENT and METRICHISTORY objects.

  • DS_BBU_CHARGE: Disk controller battery charge.

  • DS_BBU_TEMP: Temperature of disk controller battery.

  • DS_CPUT: The server CPU utilization which is the instantaneous percentage of time over the previous minute that the system CPUs were not idle (from /proc/stat).

  • DS_CPUT_MS: The percentage of CPU time used by MS.

  • DS_FANS: The instantaneous number of working fans on the server.

  • DS_FSUT: The percentage of total space utilized on the file system that is currently in use. This metric shows the space utilization in the various files systems on the server.

  • DS_MEMUT: The percentage of total physical memory used on the server.

  • DS_MEMUT_MS: The percentage of physical memory used by MS.

  • DS_RUNQ: The instantaneous average number (over the preceding minute) of processes in the Linux run queue marked running or uninterruptible (from /proc/loadavg).

  • DS_SWAP_IN_BY_SEC: The number of swap pages read in KB per second.

  • DS_SWAP_OUT_BY_SEC: The number of swap pages written in KB per second.

  • DS_SWAP_USAGE: The percentage of swap space used.

  • DS_TEMP: The instantaneous temperature (Celsius) of the server, provided by the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC).

  • DS_VIRTMEM_MS: The amount of virtual memory used by MS in megabytes.

  • N_NIC_KB_RCV_SEC: The number of kilobytes received by the Ethernet interfaces per second.

  • N_NIC_KB_TRANS_SEC: The number of kilobytes transmitted by the Ethernet interfaces per second

  • InfiniBand Network Fabric metrics, not applicable to Oracle Exadata servers with RoCE Network Fabric.:
    • N_HCA_MB_RCV_SEC: The number of megabytes received by the InfiniBand interfaces per second.
    • N_HCA_MB_TRANS_SEC: The number of megabytes transmitted by the InfiniBand interfaces per second.
    • N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC: The number of megabytes received by an InfiniBand port per second.
    • N_IB_MB_TRANS_SEC: The number of megabytes transmitted by an InfiniBand port per second.
    • N_IB_UTIL_RCV: The percentage of an InfiniBand port capacity utilized for receiving data.
    • N_IB_UTIL_TRANS: The percentage of an InfiniBand port capacity utilized for transmitting data.

Example 9-4 Displaying Database Server Metrics


         name:                   DS_CPUT
         alertState:             normal
         collectionTime:         2014-12-17T15:54:25-08:00
         metricObjectName:       abcd2x3
         metricType:             Instantaneous
         metricValue:            6.7 %
         objectType:             DBSERVER