1.14.1 About ExaWatcher Charts

ExaWatcher collects and presents performance data on the storage servers and database servers of Oracle Exadata for a specified period of time.

To extract the data collected by ExaWatcher, run GetExaWatcherResults.sh and specify the start and end time of the desired time range. The results are contained in a compressed archive file that may be written to your specified directory location.

For example:

$ GetExaWatcherResults.sh --from 08/24/2023_17:00:00 --to 08/25/2023_17:00:00 --resultdir /var/log/oracle/ExaWatcherResults


You can also use the -c or --scp options with GetExaWatcherResults.sh to copy the resulting archive file to a different location.

GetExaWatcherResults.sh also generates HTML pages that contain charts for IO, CPU utilization, cell server statistics, and alert history. The IO and CPU utilization charts use data from iostat, CPU detail uses data from mpstat, and cell server statistics use data from cellsrvstat. Alert history will be retrieved for the specified time frame.

You can find the new charts in the resulting archive file. In the archive file, there is a subdirectory named: Charts.ExaWatcher.<hostname>/<timestamp>_<duration>/, for example, Charts.ExaWatcher.xxxxceladm13.oracle.com/2016_08_24_17_00_00_01h00m00s_0.

To view the HTML pages, the archive file must be extracted on a machine with a local browser and Internet access. Then, open Charts.ExaWatcher.<hostname>/<timestamp>_<duration>/index.html in a browser. The left panel on that page shows the following menu:

Figure 1-1 ExaWatcher Menu in the Left Panel

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 ExaWatcher Menu in the Left Panel"


For screen reader users, the menu items are navigated using the UP/DOWN arrow keys and activated using the SPACE bar. The TAB key will move you to the frame on the right side.

The CellSrvStat menu item is available only when run against a storage server. The Alert History menu item is available only if there were alerts during the requested time frame.