6.14.5 Increasing the Size of the Swap Area

You can increase the amount of swap configured in a guest.

  1. In the KVM host, create a new disk image and attach it to the guest.

    For example, the following command adds the disk image swap2.img to the guest dm01db01vm01.example.com:

    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --create --disk-image /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img
     --attach --domain dm01db01vm01.example.com
    [INFO] Allocating an image for /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img, size 50.000000G...
    [INFO] Running 'qemu-img create /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img 50.000000G '...
    [INFO] Create label gpt on /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img.
    [INFO] Running 'parted -a none -s /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img mklabel gpt'...
    [INFO] Running 'losetup -P -f /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img'...
    [INFO] Finding loop device...
    [INFO] loop device is /dev/loop0
    [INFO] Finding number of sectors...
    [INFO] 104857600 sectors
    [INFO] Releasing loop device /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] Removing device maps for /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] Running 'kpartx -d -v /dev/loop0'...
    [INFO] Removing loop device /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] ##
    [INFO] ## Finished .
    [INFO] ##
    [INFO] Created image /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img
    [INFO] File /EXAVMIMAGES/GuestImages/dm01db01vm01.example.com/swap2.img is a reflink from 
    /EXAVMIMAGES/swap2.img and added as disk to domain dm01db01vm01.example.com
    .example.com --------
    [INFO] 1. Check a disk with name /dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/LVDBDisk exists.
    [INFO] - Run the command 'lvdisplay' to verify a disk with name '/dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/
    LVDBDisk' exists.
    [INFO] 2. Create a directory that will to be used for mounting the new disk.
    [INFO] 3. Add the following line to /etc/fstab: /dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/LVDBDisk <mount_
    point_from_step_2> <fstype> defaults 1 1
    [INFO] 4. Mount the newly added disk to mount point through the command: mount -a.

    Do not perform the manual steps described in the output. However, take note of the logical volume path identified in manual step number 1.

    In general, the logical volume path has the form: /dev/VolumeGroupName/LogicalVolumeName.

    In the example, the logical volume path is /dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/LVDBDisk.

  2. In the guest, configure the new logical volume as a swap device.

    Use the mkswap command, and configure the new logical volume with a unique label, which is not currently in use in the /etc/fstab file.

    In the following example, the swap device label is SWAP2 and the logical volume path is /dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/LVDBDisk.

    # mkswap -L SWAP2 /dev/VGExaDbDisk.swap2.img/LVDBDisk
  3. In the guest, enable the new swap device.

    Use the swapon command with the -L option and specify the label of the newly created swap device.

    For example:

    # swapon -L SWAP2
  4. In the guest, verify that the new swap device is enabled by using the swapon -s command.

    For example:

    # swapon -s
    Filename                   Type            Size      Used     Priority
    /dev/dm-3                  partition       8388604   306108   -1
    /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbSwap2     partition       8388604   0        -2
  5. In the guest, edit the /etc/fstab file to include the new swap device.

    You can copy the existing swap entry, and then change the LABEL value in the new entry to the label used to create the new swap device.

    In the following example, the new swap device is added to the /etc/fstab file using LABEL=SWAP2.

    # cat /etc/fstab
    LABEL=DBSYS   /                                            ext4    defaults        1 1
    LABEL=BOOT    /boot                                        ext4    defaults,nodev  1 1
    tmpfs         /dev/shm                                     tmpfs   defaults,size=7998m 0
    devpts        /dev/pts                                     devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
    sysfs         /sys                                         sysfs   defaults        0 0
    proc          /proc                                        proc    defaults        0 0
    LABEL=SWAP    swap                                         swap    defaults        0 0
    LABEL=SWAP2   swap                                         swap    defaults        0 0
    LABEL=DBORA   /u01                                         ext4    defaults        1 1
    /dev/xvdb     /u01/app/                       ext4    defaults        1 1
    /dev/xvdc     /u01/app/oracle/product/    ext4    defaults        1 1