6.14.4 Increasing the Size of the Grid Infrastructure Home or Database Home File System

You can increase the size of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure or Oracle Database home file system in a Oracle Linux KVM guest.

The Oracle Grid Infrastructure software home and the Oracle Database software home are created as separate disk image files in the KVM host. The disk image files are located in the /EXAVMIMAGES/GuestImages/DomainName/ directory. The disk image files are attached to the guest automatically during virtual machine startup, and mounted as separate, non-LVM file systems in the guest.

This task assumes that additional disk space is available to be used.

  1. Connect to the guest, and check the file system size using the df command. For example:
    # df -h
       Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
       50G  5.9G 45G   12%  /u01/app/
       50G  6.5G 44G   13%  /u01/app/oracle/product/
  2. Connect to the KVM host, and then shut down the guest.
    In the example, the guest name is dm01db01vm01.example.com.
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --stop-domain dm01db01vm01.example.com
  3. In the KVM host, create a new disk image and attach it to the guest.

    For example, the following command adds the disk image db03.img to the guest dm01db01vm01.example.com:

    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --create --disk-image /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img --attach 
    --domain dm01db01vm01.example.com
    [INFO] Allocating an image for /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img, size 50.000000G...
    [INFO] Running 'qemu-img create /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img 50.000000G '...
    [INFO] Create label gpt on /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img.
    [INFO] Running 'parted -a none -s /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img mklabel gpt'...
    [INFO] Running 'losetup -P -f /EXAVMIMAGES/rk02.img'...
    [INFO] Finding loop device...
    [INFO] loop device is /dev/loop0
    [INFO] Finding number of sectors...
    [INFO] 104857600 sectors
    [INFO] Releasing loop device /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] Removing device maps for /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] Running 'kpartx -d -v /dev/loop0'...
    [INFO] Removing loop device /dev/loop0...
    [INFO] ##
    [INFO] ## Finished .
    [INFO] ##
    [INFO] Created image /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img
    [INFO] File /EXAVMIMAGES/GuestImages/dm01db01vm01.example.com/db03.img is a reflink from 
    /EXAVMIMAGES/db03.img and added as disk to domain dm01db01vm01.example.com
    .example.com --------
    [INFO] 1. Check a disk with name /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk exists.
    [INFO] - Run the command 'lvdisplay' to verify a disk with name '/dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/
    LVDBDisk' exists.
    [INFO] 2. Create a directory that will to be used for mounting the new disk.
    [INFO] 3. Add the following line to /etc/fstab: /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk <mount_
    point_from_step_2> <fstype> defaults 1 1
    [INFO] 4. Mount the newly added disk to mount point through the command: mount -a.

    Do not perform the manual steps described in the output. However, take note of the logical volume path identified in manual step number 1.

    In general, the logical volume path has the form: /dev/VolumeGroupName/LogicalVolumeName.

    In the example, the logical volume path is /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk.

  4. Restart the guest.
    For example:
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --start-domain dm01db01vm01.example.com --console
  5. In the guest, confirm the newly added disk device.

    Use the lvdisplay command along with the logical volume path noted earlier.

    # lvdisplay /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk
      LV Path /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk
      LV Name LVDBDisk
      VG Name VGExaDbDisk.db03.img
      LV UUID u3RBKF-UmCK-JQxc-iFf5-6WqS-GWAw-3nLjdn
      LV Write Access read/write
      LV Creation host, time dm01db01vm01.example.com, 2019-10-28 04:11:28 -0700
      LV Status available
      # open 0
      LV Size <50.00 GiB
      Current LE 12799
      Segments 1
      Allocation inherit
      Read ahead sectors auto
      - currently set to 256
      Block device 252:14
  6. In the guest, remove the logical volume and volume group that were created for the added disk.
    You must perform this step in order to use the newly created disk to extend an existing volume group.
    1. Remove the logical volume.

      In this example, the logical volume path is /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk.

      # lvremove /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk
      Do you really want to remove active logical volume VGExaDbDisk.db03.img/LVDBDisk? [y/n]: y
        Logical volume "LVDBDisk" successfully removed
    2. Remove the volume group that came with the logical volume.

      In this example, the volume group name is VGExaDbDisk.db03.img.

      # vgremove VGExaDbDisk.db03.img
        Volume group "VGExaDbDisk.db03.img" successfully removed
    At this point, all that is left is the physical volume with no logical volume and no volume group.
  7. In the guest, identify the physical volume device for the newly added disk.

    The physical volume identifies itself as a NEW Physical volume in pvdisplay output. For example:

    # pvdisplay
        "/dev/sdf4" is a new physical volume of "<50.00 GiB"
      --- NEW Physical volume ---
      PV Name /dev/sdf4
      VG Name
      PV Size <50.00 GiB
      Allocatable NO
      PE Size 0
      Total PE 0
      Free PE 0
      Allocated PE 0
      PV UUID tfb8lM-eHe9-SPch-8UAu-pkHe-dAYx-ru3Sez
  8. In the guest, identify the volume group for the file system that you want to extend.
    Use the vgdisplay command. The volume group name contains grid for Oracle Grid Infrastructure or db for Oracle Database. For example:
    # vgdisplay -s
      "VGExaDbDisk.grid-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img" <50.00 GiB [<50.00 GiB used / 0 free]
      "VGExaDbDisk.db-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img" <50.00 GiB [<50.00 GiB used / 0 free]
  9. In the guest, extend the volume group, then verify the additional space in the volume group.
    Use the vgextend command and specify the volume group name and physical volume device that you identified previously. For example:
    # vgextend VGExaDbDisk.db-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img /dev/sdf4
      Volume group "VGExaDbDisk.db-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img" successfully extended
    Use the vgdisplay command to verify that the volume group now contains some free space. For example:
    # vgdisplay -s
      "VGExaDbDisk.grid-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img" <50.00 GiB [<50.00 GiB used / 0 free]
      "VGExaDbDisk.db-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img" <101.24 GiB [<50.00 GiB used / <51.24 GiB free]
  10. In the guest, resize the logical volume using the following lvextend command:
    # lvextend -L +sizeG LogicalVolumePath

    The following example extends the logical volume by 10 GB:

    # lvextend -L +10G /dev/VGExaDbDisk.db-klone-Linux-x86-64-190000.50.img/LVDBDisk
  11. In the guest, resize the file system partition using the xfs_growfs command.
    # xfs_growfs /u01/app/oracle/product/
  12. In the guest, verify the file system size was increased. For example:
    # df -h
       Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
       60G  6.5G 53G   10%  /u01/app/oracle/product/
  13. Connect to the KVM host, and remove the backup image.

    Use a command similar to the following where pre_resize.db19.0.0.img is the name of the backup image file created in step 3:

    # cd /EXAVMIMAGES/GuestImages/DomainName
    # rm pre_resize.db19.0.0.img