IO Stat Summary

IOStat Summary shows a summary of IO performance for the entire server. The four charts shown in this page are:

Table 1-4 Statistics for IOStat Summary

Statistic Description

Flash IOPs

Hard Disk IOPs

Total reads per second, writes per second, and IO per second (reads per second + writes per second) for the server.

This uses r/s and w/s from iostat.

Flash MB/s

Hard Disk MB/s

Total read MB per second, write MB per second, and IO MB per second.

This uses rsec/s and wsec/s from iostat, converted into MB.

The statistics are shown for flash and hard disks, when applicable. On Exadata Extreme Flash, there are no hard disks. On database servers, there are no flash devices.

If there is a suspected I/O performance problem, the IOPs and the MB/s statistics for the storage servers can be compared to the data sheet to determine if the storage is at maximum capacity. High read times observed on the database can also be correlated to the service time and average wait time from iostat, to determine if the high times could potentially be due to the storage server. Note that the database times would typically include IOs that are satisfied from flash cache, as well as hard disk. In addition, these charts enable you to visualize any peaks during the time frame.

The partial screenshot below shows the IOPs and MB/s charts for flash and hard disk

Below each chart, there is a range selector that you can use to drill down to a specific time within the chart. Moving the range selector on any chart affects all charts on the page.


The range selector is not accessible to screen readers. Also, not all values presented in the chart are accessible to a screen reader. Only the first value of each chart data point is.

Figure 1-3 IO Summary Charts Showing Range Selector

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 IO Summary Charts Showing Range Selector"

When you use the range selector, the displayed chart changes to show only the data for the time range specified by the range selector.