Listing Devices (--list --device)

The --list --device action lists the attributes of devices, including device path, size, host name and ASM disk group name.

  • If only the Oracle ASM disk group name is specified, then the output includes all the devices that have been added to the Oracle ASM disk group.

  • If only the host name is specified, then the output includes all the devices created from the targets on the host.

  • If both an Oracle ASM disk group name and a host name are specified, then the output includes a single device created from the target on the host that has been added to the Oracle ASM disk group.

  • If neither an Oracle ASM disk group name or a host name is specified, then the output includes all quorum disk devices.


quorumdiskmgr --list --device [--asm-disk-group asm_disk_group] [--host-name host_name]


Parameter Description


Specifies the Oracle ASM disk group to which devices have been added. The value of asm-disk-group is not case-sensitive.


Specifies the host name of the database server from whose targets devices are created. The value of host-name is not case-sensitive.

Example 2-12 Listing Device Attributes for an Oracle ASM Disk Group

This example shows how to list the attributes for devices used by the DATAC1 disk group.

$ quorumdiskmgr --list --device --asm-disk-group datac1
Device path: /dev/exadata_quorum/QD_DATAC1_DB01 
Size: 128 MB 
Host name: DB01 
ASM disk group name: DATAC1

Device path: /dev/exadata_quorum/QD_DATAC1_DB02 
Size: 128 MB 
Host name: DB02
ASM disk group name: DATAC1