Listing Targets (--list --target)

The --list --target action lists the attributes of targets.

The target attributes listed include target name, size, host name, Oracle ASM disk group name, the list of IP addresses (a visible-to IP address list) indicating which database servers have access to the target, and the list of IP addresses (a discovered-by IP address list) indicating which database servers have logged into the target.

If an Oracle ASM disk group name is specified, the action lists all local targets created for the specified Oracle ASM disk group. Otherwise, the action lists all local targets created for quorum disks.


quorumdiskmgr --list --target [--asm-disk-group asm_disk_group]


  • --asm-disk-group: Specifies the Oracle ASM disk group. quorumdiskmgr displays all local targets for this Oracle ASM disk group. The value of asm-disk-group is not case-sensitive.

Example 2-11 Listing the Target Attributes for a Specific Oracle ASM Disk Group

This example shows how to list the attributes of the target for the DATAC1 disk group.

quorumdiskmgr --list --target --asm-disk-group=datac1 
Name: iqn.2015-05.com.oracle:qd--datac1_db01 
Size: 128 MB 
Host name: DB01 
ASM disk group name: DATAC1 
Visible to: iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:, iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:,
 iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:1b48248af770, iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:7a4a399566
Discovered by:,


For systems installed using a release prior to Oracle Exadata System Software 19.1.0, the Name might appear as iqn.2015-05.com.oracle:QD_DATAC1_DB01. Also, the Visible to field displays IP addresses instead of names.