Patchmgr Syntax for the Management Network Switch

You can use patchmgr to perform firmware upgrades on the 9000 series Management Network Switch found on Oracle Exadata Database Machine X7-2 and later systems.


Patchmgr is run on the "driving system", which is an Oracle Exadata database server or a non-Oracle Exadata system running Oracle Linux. This allows patchmgr to run from a central server to update multiple Oracle Exadata systems.

Patchmgr Syntax for Management Network Switch

./patchmgr --adminswitches [adminswitch_list_file]
{ --upgrade | --downgrade } [--adminswitch-precheck] [--unkey] [--force]
[ -log_dir { absolute_path_to_log_directory | AUTO } ]

Main Arguments

Argument Description
--adminswitches [adminswitch_list_file]

Specifies that patchmgr is acting on the Management Network Switches.

If specified, the switch list file identifies the Management Network Switches. The file has one switch host name or IP address on each line.

If no file name is provided, then the command acts on all Management Network Switches discovered from the host that is running patchmgr.


Upgrade the firmware on the Management Network Switches.

--downgrade Downgrade the firmware on the Management Network Switches.

Supported Options

The following options are supported for Management Network Switch firmware update:

Table 8-7 Patchmgr Options for Management Network Switches

Option Description
--adminswitch-precheck Performs switch firmware upgrade or downgrade simulation on the Management Network Switches in the list file but does not perform the actual install. Use this option with --upgrade or --downgrade.

In conjunction with --upgrade or --downgrade, this option removes the configuration settings that enable passwordless SSH access to the Management Network Switch.


In conjunction with --upgrade or --downgrade, this option proceeds with the upgrade or downgrade even if the switch is already on target firmware version or the Management Network Switch is experiencing non-critical failures.

-log_dir ( absolute_path_to_log_directory | AUTO )

When running patchmgr as a non-root user, use -log_dir to specify the absolute path to the log directory or use the keyword AUTO. If you specify AUTO, then patchmgr generates and sets the path to the log directory based on the directory patchmgr is launched from and the content of the switch list file.

Note: Specifying -log_dir enables multiple patch manager invocations and is required when running patch manager as a non-root user.

Example 8-12 Using patchmgr to Upgrade Firmware on Management Network Switches

This example runs the upgrade prerequisite checks on the switch specified in the switches.lst file, then upgrades the switch.

$ cat switches.lst

$ ./patchmgr --adminswitches switches.lst --upgrade --adminswitch-precheck

$ ./patchmgr --adminswitches switches.lst --upgrade