Patchmgr Syntax for InfiniBand Network Fabric Switches

You can use patchmgr to update software for InfiniBand Network Fabric switches.


Patchmgr is run on the "driving system", which is an Oracle Exadata database server or a non-Oracle Exadata system running Oracle Linux. This allows patchmgr to run from a central server to update multiple Oracle Exadata systems.

Patchmgr Syntax for InfiniBand Network Fabric Switches

./patchmgr --ibswitches [ibswitch_list_file]
{ --upgrade | --downgrade } [--ibswitch_precheck] [--unkey] [ --force [ yes | no ]]

Main Arguments

Argument Description
--ibswitches ibswitch_list_file Specifies the name of the InfiniBand Network Fabric switch list file. The file has one switch host name or IP address per line. If no file name is provided, then it runs the command on all InfiniBand Network Fabric switches discovered from this host.
--upgrade Upgrade the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches in the list file to $EXADATA_IMAGE_IBSWITCH_UPGRADE_VERSION.
--downgrade Downgrade the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches in the list file to $EXADATA_IMAGE_IBSWITCH_DOWNGRADE_VERSION.

Supported Options

The following options are supported for InfiniBand Network Fabric switch configuration and firmware update:

Table 8-6 Patchmgr Options for InfiniBand Network Fabric Switches

Option Description
--force [yes | no] Specifies to proceed with the upgrade or downgrade even on non-critical failures. The value yes specifies to proceed by auto-answering prompts with yes. The value no specifies to proceed by auto-answering prompts with no. The default value is yes.
--ibswitch_precheck Runs the pre-update validation checks on the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches in the list file.

--smtp_from "email_addr"

Specifies the from email address for the patchmgr notification.

--smtp_to "email_addr1 email_addr2 email_addr3 ..."

Specifies the to email addresses for the patchmgr notification.


Specifies that the same from address in Return-Path: mail header should be used.

--unkey Removes passwordless SSH access to the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches before exit.

Usage Notes

  • Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release 19.3, the options are prefixed with --. Prior to this release, the options were prefixed with -.

Example 8-11 Using patchmgr for InfiniBand Network Fabric Switches

This example runs the update prerequisite checks on all switches, then upgrades the switches specified in the ib_group file.

./patchmgr --ibswitches --upgrade --ibswitch_precheck 

./patchmgr --ibswitches ib_group --upgrade