Powering Off Oracle Exadata Storage Servers

Oracle Exadata Storage Servers are powered off and restarted using the Linux shutdown command.

The following command shuts down Oracle Exadata Storage Server immediately:

# shutdown -h now

When powering off Oracle Exadata Storage Servers, all storage services are automatically stopped.

If you use the -r option, then the shutdown command shuts down and then restarts Oracle Exadata Storage Server. The -now option indicates you want to stop the server immediately.

# shutdown -r now

Another system command to reboot a server is the reboot command. However, shutdown -r now is the preferred command to restart a server. You should never use the command reboot -f command to shut down Oracle Exadata Storage Servers.


Do not perform successive shutdown or reboot commands, which is essentially the same as reboot -f.

Note the following when powering off Oracle Exadata Storage Server:

  • All database and Oracle Clusterware processes should be shut down prior to shutting down more than one Oracle Exadata Storage Server.

  • Powering off one Oracle Exadata Storage Server does not affect running database processes or Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).

  • Powering off or restarting Oracle Exadata Storage Servers can impact database availability.

  • The shutdown commands can be used to power off or reboot Oracle Exadata Storage Server.

See Also:

  • "Shutting Down Exadata Storage Server" if the databases or Oracle Clusterware will remain operational while powering down Oracle Exadata Storage Server

  • SHUTDOWN(8) manual page for details.