3.1.1 Shutting Down Exadata Storage Server

When performing maintenance on Exadata Storage Servers, it may be necessary to power down or restart the cell.

If Exadata Storage Server is to be shut down when one or more databases are running, then you must verify that taking Exadata Storage Server offline will not impact Oracle ASM disk group and database availability. The ability to take Exadata Storage Server offline without affecting database availability depends on the level of Oracle ASM redundancy used on the affected disk groups. Availability also depends on the current status of disks in other Exadata Storage Servers that have mirror copies of data for the Exadata Storage Server that you are taking offline.

  1. Optional: Configure the grid disks to remain offline after restarting the cell.
    If you are planning to have multiple restarts, or you want to control when the Exadata Storage Server becomes active again, then you can perform this step. Making the grid disks inactive allows you to verify the planned maintenance activity was successful before making the grid disks available again.
    1. Set the grid disks to inactive.
    2. Wait at least 30 seconds, or until Oracle ASM has completed taking the corresponding Oracle ASM disks offline.
      This step is very important if you are using versions of Oracle Exadata System Software before release 18.1. If you put the commands into a script, then make sure to add a sleep command with a value over 30 seconds.


    If you set the grid disks to inactive, then you must complete step 6 later to activate the grid disks.
  2. Stop the cell services.

    The preceding command checks if any disks are offline, in predictive failure status, or need to be copied to its mirror. If Oracle ASM redundancy is intact, then the command takes the grid disks offline in Oracle ASM, and then stops the cell services. If the following error is displayed, then it may not be safe to stop the cell services because a disk group may be forced to dismount due to redundancy.

    Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
    The SHUTDOWN of ALL services was not successful.
    CELL-01548: Unable to shut down CELLSRV because disk group DATA, RECO may be
    forced to dismount due to reduced redundancy.
    Getting the state of CELLSRV services... running
    Getting the state of MS services... running
    Getting the state of RS services... running

    If the CELL-01548 error occurs, then restore Oracle ASM disk group redundancy and retry the command when disk status is back to normal for all the disks.

  3. Shut down the Exadata Storage Server.
  4. After performing the maintenance, restart the Exadata Storage Server. The cell services are started automatically. As part of the Exadata Storage Server startup, all grid disks are automatically changed to ONLINE in Oracle ASM.
  5. Verify that all grid disks have been successfully brought online.
    CellCLI> LIST GRIDDISK ATTRIBUTES name, asmmodestatus

    Wait until asmmodestatus shows ONLINE or UNUSED for all grid disks.

  6. Optional: Change the grid disks status to ONLINE.

    This step is only necessary when step 1 has been performed. If step 1 was not performed, then the grid disks were set to online automatically when the Exadata Storage Server was restarted.