Reboot the KVM Host

Start the KVM host, and continue administrator operations.

The KVM host partitions have been restored to the server and the boot order now has ExadataLinux_1 as the first device.
  1. Detach the diagnostics.iso file.
    Assuming that the ILOM web interface console was used to connect the CDROM image, click the Disconnect button.
  2. Unmount the restored /dev/sda1 partitions so /dev/sda1 can be remounted on /boot.
    # cd /
    # umount /mnt/boot/efi
    # umount /mnt/boot
    # umount /mnt/home
    # umount /mnt/var/log/audit
    # umount /mnt/var/log/
    # umount /mnt/var
    # umount /mnt/EXAVMIMAGES/
    # umount /mnt
    # umount /root/mnt
  3. Restart the system.
    # reboot
    The current /boot partition will be used to start the server.