Recover and Restart the KVM Guests

From the KVM host recover all of the KVM guests.

This procedure complements the recommended backup procedure described in Method 1: Back Up All of the KVM Guests. It assumes that the KVM host is operational after recovery and all the guests are being recovered.

  1. Mount the backup NFS server that holds the guest storage repository (/EXAVMIMAGES) backup to restore the /EXAVMIMAGES file system.
    # mkdir -p /root/mnt
    # mount -t nfs -o ro,intr,soft,proto=tcp,nolock nfs_ip:/location_of_backup /root/mnt
  2. Mount the /EXAVMIMAGES file system.
    # mount -t xfs /dev/VGExaDb/LVDbExaVMImages /EXAVMIMAGES
  3. Restore the /EXAVMIMAGES file system.

    For example, use the command below to restore all guests:

    # tar --acls --xattrs --xattrs-include=* --format=pax -Spxvf /root/mnt/exavmimages.tar.bz2 -C /
  4. Check each guest XML configuration file.

    During recovery of the KVM host, each guest XML configuration file is restored to /etc/libvirt/qemu/guestname.xml. Additionally, the previous step restores a copy of each guest XML file to /XML/guestname.xml.

    For each guest, compare the XML configuration files. For example:

    # diff /etc/libvirt/qemu/guestname.xml /XML/guestname.xml

    In most cases the XML configuration files will be identical. However, if there are differences, you should examine both files and copy the most up-to-date configuration to /etc/libvirt/qemu/guestname.xml.

  5. Define each restored guest in the KVM hypervisor.
    # virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/guestname.xml
  6. Enable autostart for each restored guest.
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --autostart guestname --disable
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --autostart guestname --enable
  7. Unmount the NFS backup.
    # umount /root/mnt
  8. Restore any reference to /EXAVMIMAGES in the fstab file.

    In the /etc/fstab file, remove comments for any line that references /EXAVMIMAGES.

  9. Bring up each guest.
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --start-domain guestname
At this point all of the guests should come up along with Oracle Grid Infrastructure and the Oracle Database instances.