6.20.2 Removing a Guest Using vm_maker

You can use the vm_maker utility to remove a guest.

The following procedure removes a guest from a cluster. If the guest is not part of a cluster, then you can skip the commands related to Oracle Clusterware.

  1. If your cluster uses Quorum failure groups, these need to be deleted first.
    1. List the existing quorum devices.
      ~]# /opt/oracle.SupportTools/quorumdiskmgr --list --target
    2. Delete the quorum devices.
      ~]# /opt/oracle.SupportTools/quorumdiskmgr --delete --target
  2. Remove the database instance on the guest from the cluster node.
    Refer to Deleting Instances from Oracle RAC Databases for the instructions.
  3. Remove the guest node from the cluster.
  4. Delete the guest using vm_maker.
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --remove-domain guest_name
  5. View the list of existing guests on the KVM host.
    # /opt/exadata_ovm/vm_maker --list-domains

    The guest you just removed should not be listed.