8.2.3 Understanding the Exadata Software Image Version

The Exadata image version number contains the product version, a date code, and a build number.

The Exadata version installed on an Exadata storage server or an Exadata database server is determined with the imageinfo command. The image version of an Exadata release consists of three components. For example, if the command imageinfo -ver returns, then:

  • The product version is

  • The date code is 150316

  • The Oracle-internal build number is 2. This component is not always used.

In most circumstances it is sufficient to reference a release by the product version only, for example, However, when upgrading, you need to consider both the product version and date code of the installed and target releases.

Starting with Oracle Exadata System Software release 18.1, the product version uses a three field format consisting of: Year.Update.Revision, for example 18.1.0.