3.2.2 Configuring New Servers Manually

When adding servers to an Oracle Exadata, you can configure the servers manually instead of using OEDA.

Using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA) is the recommended method.
  1. Prepare the servers using the procedure described in Preparing the Servers.
  2. Ensure the RDMA Network Fabric and bonded client Ethernet interface names are the same on the new database servers as on the existing database servers.
  3. Configure the storage servers, cell disks and grid disks as described in Configuring Cells, Cell Disks, and Grid Disks with CellCLI.
  4. Configure the database servers as described in Setting Up Configuration Files for a Database Server Host.
  5. On systems with InfiniBand Network Fabric only, run /opt/oracle.SupportTools/reclaimdisks.sh -free -reclaim on each database server.

    The command reclaims disk space reserved for the deployment type not selected, which is not required on RoCE-based Exadata database servers.

    The command typically takes less than 5 minutes.

    Do not skip this step. Skipping this step results in unused space that can no longer be reclaimed by reclaimdisks.sh.

  6. Verify the time is the same on the new servers as on the existing servers.
    This check is performed for the storage servers and database servers.
  7. Ensure the NTP settings are the same on the new servers as on the existing servers.
    This check is performed for the storage servers and database servers.
  8. Configure HugePages on the new servers to match the existing servers.
  9. Go to Setting User Equivalence to continue the hardware configuration.