Installing the Server

After preparing for the installation and installing the rack assembly, you then install the new server.


  • Installing a server requires a minimum of two people or a lift because of the weight of each server. Attempting this procedure alone can result in equipment damage, personal injury, or both.

  • Always load equipment into the rack from the bottom up, so that the rack does not become top-heavy and tip over. Extend the rack anti-tip bar to prevent the rack from tipping during equipment installation.

  1. Read the service label on the top cover of the server before installing a server into the rack.

  2. Push the server into the slide rail assembly:

    1. Push the slide rails into the slide rail assemblies as far as possible.

    2. Position the server so the rear ends of the mounting brackets are aligned with the slide rail assemblies mounted in the equipment rack.

      Figure 2-2 Aligning the Rear Ends of the Mounting Brackets with the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Rack

      Description of Figure 2-2 follows
      Description of "Figure 2-2 Aligning the Rear Ends of the Mounting Brackets with the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Rack"

      The callouts in the preceding image highlight the following:

      1: Mounting bracket inserted into slide rail

      2: Slide-rail release lever

    3. Insert the mounting brackets into the slide rails, and push the server into the rack until the mounting brackets encounter the slide rail stops, approximately 30 cm (12 inches).

    4. Simultaneously push down and hold the slide rail release levers on each mounting bracket while pushing the server into the rack.


      Oracle recommends that two people push the servers into the rack: one person to move the server in and out of the rack, and another person to watch the cables and cable management arm (CMA).
    5. Continue pushing until the slide rail locks on the front of the mounting brackets engage the slide rail assemblies, and you hear the click.

  3. Cable the new server as described in Cabling Exadata Storage Servers.