Validating Expansion of Oracle Exadata Database Machine

After expansion, validate the new configuration.


This procedure applies only to the original storage servers in the following Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack models: X4-2, X5-2, X6-2 with Extreme Flash (EF) storage servers.

This procedure does not apply where hardware resources are expanded by adding more servers.

  1. Log in as the root user on the first database server.

  2. Check the database server core count using the following command:

    # dcli -g db_group -l root 'dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes coreCount'
  3. Review the database server configuration using the following command.

    # dcli -g db_group -l root 'dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes eighthrack'

    The output should show FALSE.

  4. Review the storage server configuration using the following command.

    # dcli -g cell_group -l celladmin 'cellcli -e list cell attributes eighthrack'

    The output should show FALSE.

  5. Review the appliance mode for each disk group using the following commands:

    SQL> set lines 100
    SQL> column attribute format a20
    SQL> column value format a20
    SQL> column diskgroup format a20
    SQL> SELECT att.name attribute, upper(att.value) value, dg.name diskgroup    \
    FROM V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE att, V$ASM_DISKGROUP DG                                 \
    WHERE DG.group_number = att.group_number AND                                 \
    att.name LIKE '%appliance.mode%' ORDER BY DG.group_number;
  6. Validate the number of Oracle ASM disks using the following command:

    SQL> SELECT g.name,d.failgroup,d.mode_status,count(*)                      \
    FROM v$asm_diskgroup g, v$asm_disk d                                       \
    WHERE d.group_number=g.group_number                                        \
    GROUP BY g.name,d.failgroup,d.mode_status;
    NAME                      FAILGROUP                     MODE_ST   COUNT(*)
    ------------------------- ----------------------------- ------- ----------
    DATAC1                    EXA01CELADM01                 ONLINE          12
    DATAC1                    EXA01CELADM02                 ONLINE          12
    DATAC1                    EXA01CELADM03                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC1                    EXA01CELADM01                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC1                    EXA01CELADM02                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC1                    EXA01CELADM03                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC2                    EXA01CELADM01                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC2                    EXA01CELADM02                 ONLINE          12
    RECOC2                    EXA01CELADM03                 ONLINE          12
    DBFS_DG                   EXA01CELADM01                 ONLINE          10
    DBFS_DG                   EXA01CELADM02                 ONLINE          10
    DBFS_DG                   EXA01CELADM03                 ONLINE          10

    Each High Capacity (HC) storage server (non-Eighth Rack) contains 12 disks.