Adding Grid Disks to Oracle ASM Disk Groups in Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack

The following procedure describes how to add the new grid disks to Oracle ASM disk groups.


This procedure applies only to the original storage servers in the following Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack models: X4-2, X5-2, and X6-2 with Extreme Flash (EF) storage servers.

This procedure does not apply where storage server hardware resources are expanded by adding more storage servers.

The grid disks created in Creating Additional Grid Disks in Oracle Exadata Database Machine Eighth Rack must be added as Oracle ASM disks to their corresponding, existing Oracle ASM disk groups.

  1. Validate the following:

    • No rebalance operation is currently running.
    • All Oracle ASM disks are active.
  2. Log in to the first database server as the owner who runs the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

  3. Set the environment to access the +ASM instance on the server.

  4. Log in to the ASM instance as the sysasm user using the following command:

    $ sqlplus / as sysasm
  5. Validate the current settings, as follows:

    SQL> set lines 100
    SQL> column attribute format a20
    SQL> column value format a20
    SQL> column diskgroup format a20
    SQL> SELECT att.name attribute, upper(att.value) value, dg.name diskgroup
    WHERE DG.group_number=att.group_number AND att.name LIKE '%appliance.mode%'
    ORDER BY att.group_number;

    The output should be similar to the following:

    ATTRIBUTE            VALUE                DISKGROUP
    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
    appliance.mode       TRUE                 DATAC1
    appliance.mode       TRUE                 DBFS_DG
    appliance.mode       TRUE                 RECOC1
  6. Disable the appliance.mode attribute for any disk group that shows TRUE using the following commands:

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP data_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='FALSE';
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP reco_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='FALSE';
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP dbfs_dg_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='FALSE';

    In the preceding commands, data_diskgroup, reco_diskgroup, and dbfs_dg_diskgroup are the names of the DATA, RECO, and DBFS_DG disk groups, respectively.

  7. Add the grid disks to the Oracle ASM disk groups. The following table shows the commands to create the grid disks based on rack type and disk group. Adding the new disks requires a rebalance of the system.

    Table 2-2 Commands to Add Disk Groups When Extending Eighth Rack Oracle Exadata Database Machine

    Rack Commands

    Extreme Flash Oracle Exadata Database Machine

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP data_diskgroup ADD DISK 'o/*/DATA_FD_0[4-7]*'      \
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP reco_diskgroup ADD DISK 'o/*/RECO_FD_0[4-7]*'      \
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP dbfs_dg_diskgroup ADD DISK 'o/*/DBFS_DG_FD_0[4-7]*'\

    High Capacity Oracle Exadata Database Machine

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP data_diskgroup ADD DISK 'o/*/DATA_CD_0[6-9]*','    \
    o/*/DATA_CD_1[0-1]*' REBALANCE POWER 32;
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP reco_diskgroup ADD DISK 'o/*/RECO_CD_0[6-9]*','    \
    o/*/RECO_CD_1[0-1]*' REBALANCE POWER 32;
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP dbfs_dg_diskgroup ADD DISK '                       \
    o/*/DBFS_DG_CD_0[6-9]*',' o/*/DBFS_DG_CD_1[0-1]*' REBALANCE POWER 32; 

    The preceding commands return Diskgroup altered, if successful.

  8. (Optional) Monitor the current rebalance operation using the following command:

    SQL> SELECT * FROM  gv$asm_operation;
  9. Re-enable the appliance.mode attribute, if it was disabled in step 6 using the following commands:

    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP data_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='TRUE';
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP reco_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='TRUE';
    SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP dbfs_dg_diskgroup set attribute 'appliance.mode'='TRUE';