9.3.2 IPv6 Support

IPv6 support is for Ethernet.

Compute nodes and storage servers are now enabled to use IPv6 for the admin network, ILOM, and the client access network. This works for both bare metal and virtualized deployments. The following table describes how various components support IPv6:

Component Description of IPv6 Support

Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant (OEDA)

OEDA allows a user to enter an IPv6 address in the "Define Customer Networks" screen (see Figure 9-1 for a screenshot). When IPv6 addresses are used for the admin network, the DNS servers, NTP servers, SMTP servers, and SNMP servers need to be on an IPv6 network.

On the "Define Customer Networks" screen, if you specify the gateway with an IPv6 address and the /64 suffix to denote the mask, the Subnet Mask field becomes greyed out and unavailable.

Cisco switch

The Cisco switch can be enabled with an IPv6 address using the minimum firmware version of 15.2(3)E2 for the Cisco 4948E-F switches.

Refer to My Oracle Support note 1415044.1 for upgrade instructions and to open an SR to obtain the updated Cisco firmware through Oracle Support.

Auto Service Request (ASR)

ASR does not work with IPv6 addresses. This will be resolved in a future release. ASR can be enabled by bridging to an IPv4 network.

Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager needs to be on a bridged network such that it can monitor both the InfiniBand switches (on an IPv4 network) and the compute and storage nodes (on an IPv6 network).


dbnodeupdate requires remote repositories that are hosted on machines with IPv6 address, or an ISO file needs to be used.

Remote repositories may not be reachable (using http or other protocols) if they use IPv4 and the host only has IPv6 IPs. Some customers may be able to reach IPv4 IPs from their IPv6 hosts if the network routers and devices permit it. Most customers will likely need an IPv6 repository server or use an ISO file.

InfiniBand network

Private InfiniBand network is required to remain on IPv4 only. Note that only private addresses are used on the InfiniBand network, so there is little benefit from moving InfiniBand to IPv6.


SMTP and SNMP servers should usually be IPv6 (or a name that resolves to an IPv6 IP address) unless the customer network has a bridge or gateway to route between IPv4 and IPv6.

Platinum Support

Platinum Support will not be available for IPv6 deployments until a subsequent Platinum Gateway software release is available.

Figure 9-1 "Define Customer Networks" Screen in Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant

Description of Figure 9-1 follows
Description of "Figure 9-1 "Define Customer Networks" Screen in Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant"