Alter the Number of Service Instances

Exascale system components are implemented using a series of software services.

By default, each Exascale cluster is configured with a number of software service instances that is usually sufficient for most workloads. However, as an Exascale administrator, you can alter the number of service instances that are deployed.

To alter the number of service instances deployed in the Exascale cluster, use the ESCLI chcluster command as follows:

@> chcluster --attributes attribute_name=value

In the command, specify one of the following as the attribute_name:

  • numControlServicesFrontends: The number of Control Service (ERS) instances that contain front-end and back-end processes.

  • numControlServicesBackends: The number of Control Service (ERS) instances that contain only back-end processes.

  • numSystemVaultManagers: The number of System Vault Manager (SYSEDS) instances.

  • numUserVaultManagers: The number of User Vault Manager (USREDS) instances.

  • numVolumeManagers: The number of Block Store Manager (BSM) instances.

  • numStorageVolumeWorkers: The number of Block Store Worker (BSW) instances.


    This setting controls only the number of BSW instances deployed across the Exadata storage servers.

    Additional BSW instances can be manually deployed on the Exadata compute nodes. This location enables the BSW instance to access the Exadata client network, which may be used to run volume backups to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) object storage and to service iSCSI initiators external to Exadata.


You cannot alter the number of Exascale cluster services (EGS). EGS always runs on the first five nodes in the Exascale cluster.