
Modify cluster attributes.


The chcluster command allows you to shut down the Exascale cluster or to modify its attributes.


chcluster [ --attributes attribute=value[,attribute=value] ... ] [ --shutdown ]

Command Options

The options for the chcluster command are:

  • --attributes: Specifies one or more attribute settings for the cluster.

    Use the describe chcluster command to view details about the cluster attributes you can modify with chcluster.

  • --shutdown: Shuts down the Exascale cluster.

    To shut down the Exascale cluster, note that you must:

    • Run ESCLI as the Exascale admin user or as another user with the cl_admin cluster level storage privilege.

    • Connect ESCLI directly to an online Exascale control services (ERS) back-end server process. To do this you must start ESCLI and specify the --ctrl option as follows:

      $ escli --wallet admin-wallet-location --ctrl ERS-server-IP:8080

      To find the IP address for an online ERS server (ERS-server-IP), start a regular ESCLI session and use the following command:

      @> lsservice --filter serviceType=controlServices,status=ONLINE --attributes url

      The command displays the private IP addresses associated with all of the online ERS servers. You can use any of the reported IP addresses.


Example 6-4 Modify the Cluster

This example shows setting the compartment name for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) object storage container that is used for volume backups.

@> chcluster --attributes backupCompartmentName=myCompartment

Example 6-5 Shut Down the Cluster

This example shows how to shut down the Exascale cluster.

$ escli --wallet admin-wallet-location --ctrl ERS-server-IP:8080 chcluster -–shutdown