
Change an attribute for an existing template.


The chtemplate command changes an attribute for an existing Exascale file template.


chtemplate  [ --vault vault ] [ --cluster ] [ --file-type file-type ] [ --name template-name ] [ --content-type content-type ] [ --media-type media-type ] [ --redundancy redundancy ]

Command Options

Specify one or more of the following chtemplate command options to identify the templates that are the subject of the operation:
  • --vault: Alters templates associated with the specified vault.

  • --cluster: Alters templates associated with the cluster.

  • --file-type: Alters templates associated with the specified file type.

  • --name: Alter a user-defined template having the specified name.

Specify one or more of the following File Storage Attributes, which are associated with the template:

  • --media-type: Specifies the physical media type that is used to store the file. Exascale uses this attribute to place the file in a storage pool that uses the specified media type. Possible values are:
    • HC: Identifies high capacity storage media, which uses hard disk drives (HDDs).
    • EF: Identifies extreme flash storage media, which uses flash devices.
  • --redundancy: Specifies the number of data copies that are maintained. Possible values are:
    • normal: Maintains 2 mirrored copies of the file data.
    • high: Maintains 3 mirrored copies of the file data.
  • --content-type: Specifies the type of content in the file. Exascale internally uses this attribute to place file extents on physically separate devices in a way that maximizes availability if failures occurs. Possible values are:
    • DATA
    • RECO


Example 6-111 Change a User-Defined Cluster-Wide Template

In this example, the content type is set to DATA for the user-defined template named T1. The template is associated with the cluster, as neither --vault or --cluster are specified, and the current working directory in the ESCLI session is the root directory.

@> chtemplate --name T1 --content-type DATA

Example 6-112 Change a User-Defined Vault-Specific Template

In this example, the media type is set to HC and the redundancy is set to high for the user-defined template named T2. The template is associated with the vault named VAULT1, as neither --vault or --cluster are specified, and the current working directory in the ESCLI session is inside VAULT1.

@VAULT1> chtemplate --name T2 --media-type HC --redundancy high

Example 6-113 Change a User-Defined Vault-Specific Template

In this example, the media type, content type, and redundancy are all set for the user-defined template named T3 that is associated with the vault named VAULT1.

@> chtemplate --name T3 --vault VAULT1 --content-type DATA --media-type HC --redundancy high

Example 6-114 Change a User-Defined Cluster-Wide Template

In this example, the media type, content type, and redundancy are all set for the cluster-wide user-defined template named T4. The --cluster option overrides the fact that the current working directory in the ESCLI session is inside VAULT1.

@VAULT1> chtemplate --name T4 --cluster --content-type DATA --media-type HC --redundancy high

Example 6-115 Change a Template for a Specific Vault and File Type

This example changes the template associated with the DATAFILE file type and the vault named VAULT1.

@> chtemplate --file-type DATAFILE --vault VAULT1 --content-type DATA --media-type HC --redundancy high

Example 6-116 Change a Cluster-Wide Template for a Specific File Type

This example changes the cluster-wide template associated with the DATAFILE file type.

@> chtemplate --file-type DATAFILE --cluster --content-type DATA --media-type HC --redundancy high

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