
List file templates.


The lstemplate command displays information about Exascale file templates that are associated with the vault or the Exascale cluster.


lstemplate [ template-name ] [ --vault vault [ --vault-level-only ]] [ --cluster ] [ -l ] [ --detail ] [ --attributes attribute[,attribute] ... ] 
     [ --filter filter[,filter] ... ] [ --sort [-]attribute[,[-]attribute] ... ]

Command Options

The options for the lstemplate command are:

  • template-name: Optionally limits the output to templates that match the specified template name.

  • --vault: Lists templates associated with the specified vault.

  • --vault-level-only: List only the vault-specific templates associated with the specified vault.

  • --cluster: Lists templates associated with the cluster.

  • -l: Returns output in a long, tabular form.

  • --detail: Lists all attributes in a detailed form.

  • --attributes: Lists the specific attributes to display.

  • --filter: Used to specify conditions for filtering the list output.

  • --sort: Used to sort the output using the specified attributes.

Usage Notes

Note the following information when using this command:

  • If --vault is specified without --vault-level-only, then the output contains all templates affecting the specified vault, including the vault-specific templates and any cluster-level templates not overridden by vault-specific templates.

  • If neither --vault nor --cluster is specified, and the user entered a vault in the ESCLI session, then the output contains all templates affecting the specified vault, including the vault-specific templates and any cluster-level templates not overridden by vault-specific templates.

  • If neither --vault nor --cluster is specified, and the user hasn't entered a vault in the ESCLI session (ESCLI prompt shows @>), then templates associated with the cluster are listed.

  • Filter conditions are specified as: <attribute><operator><value>.

    The allowed operators are =, !=, >=, <=, >, and <.

    Multiple comma-separated filter conditions are combined using AND logic.

  • Sorting attributes are specified as: [-]attribute. Multiple sort attributes are comma-delimited. The default sort order is ascending. For descending sort order, prefix the attribute name with -.

    For example, use the following to primarily sort by name in descending order, and use creation time in ascending order to further sort entries with the same name:

    --sort -name,createTime


Example 6-117 List Cluster-Wide Templates

These examples list all templates associated with the cluster.

@> lstemplate
@VAULT1> lstemplate --cluster

Example 6-118 List Effective Vault-Specific Templates

These examples list the effective templates associated with the vault VAULT1. The output includes templates associated with the vault, and templates associated with the cluster that are not overridden by vault-specific templates.

@VAULT1> lstemplate
@> lstemplate --vault VAULT1

Example 6-119 List Only Templates Affecting a Vault

This examples lists only the vault-specific templates affecting files in the vault VAULT1.

@> lstemplate --vault VAULT1 --vault-level-only

Example 6-120 List a Specific Cluster-Wide Template

This example displays detailed information about the cluster-wide template named DATAFILE.

@> lstemplate --detail DATAFILE

Example 6-121 List Specific Cluster-Wide Templates

This example displays detailed information about the cluster-wide templates with names ending with FILE, whose content type is DATA, and sort the list by names (ascending) and media types (descending).

@> lstemplate --detail *FILE --sort name,-mediaType --filter contentType=DATA