3.3.2 Copy a File

You can copy a file from your local filesystem into Exascale, or you can copy a file from Exascale into your local filesystem.
Before you copy a file into Exascale, you might want to first create an empty copy of the file so that you can specify the file storage attributes.

To copy a file between the local filesystem and Exascale, use the XSH cp command:

  • In the following example, XSH copies the local file located at /home/myfile into an Exascale file at @myvaultname/myfilecopy.

    $ xsh cp /home/myfile @myvaultname/myfilecopy
  • In the following example, XSH copies the Exascale file located at @myvaultname/myfile to /home/myfilecopy on the system running XSH.

    @> xsh cp @myvaultname/myfile /home/myfilecopy

You can also use the ESCLI putfile and getfile commands to copy files to and from Exascale. However, the XSH cp command supports the transfer of much larger files and provides superior transfer performance.